Holistic Home Organizing and Coaching Tips | Seattle Sparkle Blog

Home Organization Blog

April 1, 2021

Breaking the Stress Cycle

I’m currently listening to the book “Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle”, by Emily Nagoski. The book’s aim is to help people end the cycle of feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. I have a serious interest in the relationship between stress and health.  As a home organizer, I am […]
March 19, 2021

Spring Equinox: The Wood Element

Feng Shui is one of the 8 rays of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). These rays are: Acupuncture & Moxibustion Herbal Medicine Wushu (Chinese Martial Arts) Qigong (Breathing Exercises) Food Energetics (Nutrition) Meditation Astrology Feng Shui I love that Feng Shui is included in this list, because it shows that the […]
March 16, 2021

Should You Try Virtual Organizing?

I became a Certified Virtual Organizer back in April, and have been loving doing both in-home and virtual organizing sessions.  If you’ve been thinking about trying virtual organizing, here’s a flow chart that can help you make that decision. What areas of your home are you thinking about organizing this […]
March 5, 2021

Paper Clutter Got You Down?

As a home organizer, one thing I frequently help people with is reducing their paper clutter.  I have been having lots of conversations about organizing paperwork lately, so I thought I’d share some tips on how to wrangle the paper clutter monsters. Automate bills: If you have ever missed a […]
February 26, 2021

Boundary Antidotes

In my last blog post, Boundaries and Home Organization, I talked about 8 different ways that weak boundaries can impact the organization of your home.  In this post, I wanted to share 8 different ways to help strengthen your boundaries.  I’ll include both conventional and non-conventional techniques, so you can […]
February 19, 2021

Boundaries and Home Organizing

Whether or not you have ADHD, cultivating healthy boundaries can be a lifelong challenge for many people.  If you’re suffering from weak boundaries, it can show up in all sorts of ways that will impact the organization of your home.  Here are some examples of what that might look like: […]