Holistic Home Organizing and Coaching Tips | Seattle Sparkle Blog

Home Organization Blog

January 24, 2020

How to Style Yourself with Love in Mind

An Interview with Personal Stylist Liz Weber of Style Shimmy By Erica Rodgers What is in your closet? A mass collection of shirts, shoes, pants, skirts, etc? Or a few pieces that cover the basics? Maybe something in between. Possibly you take up two closets. Any way you cut it, […]
January 18, 2020

Organizing for Creative People

“Fitting in is the opposite of belonging”. -Brene Brown.   I love helping creative people get organized and stay organized! As a creative person myself, I have experienced many of the challenges that I help my clients with. There is a stereotype that creative people can’t also be logical, sequential and […]
January 9, 2020

What Is Chronic Disorganization

January is “National Get Organized Month”. This is an exciting time of year, especially for people who are finally ready to get organized! Magazines, books and organizing supplies flood the market.  But many of these conventional tips and products are geared toward the people we think of as “left-brain dominant” […]
December 19, 2019

Marketing Calendar for a New Year

By Erica Rodgers Sometimes us professionals are really good at putting together a calendar of marketing ideas and ticking each item off as the days go by. Sometimes us professionals are not so good at this commerce building exercise. Often we blame it on the people who have the type […]
December 12, 2019

jeanprominski.com is Live!

I am thrilled to announce that jeanprominski.com is finally live!  This is the site where I will be showing my artwork.  Below are a few of the pieces I currently have available.  The one with the tiles of all the snowflake drawings was the inspiration to the coloring book that […]