Holistic Home Organizing and Coaching Tips | Seattle Sparkle Blog

Home Organization Blog

March 5, 2021

Paper Clutter Got You Down?

As a home organizer, one thing I frequently help people with is reducing their paper clutter.  I have been having lots of conversations about organizing paperwork lately, so I thought I’d share some tips on how to wrangle the paper clutter monsters. Automate bills: If you have ever missed a […]
February 26, 2021

Boundary Antidotes

In my last blog post, Boundaries and Home Organization, I talked about 8 different ways that weak boundaries can impact the organization of your home.  In this post, I wanted to share 8 different ways to help strengthen your boundaries.  I’ll include both conventional and non-conventional techniques, so you can […]
February 19, 2021

Boundaries and Home Organizing

Whether or not you have ADHD, cultivating healthy boundaries can be a lifelong challenge for many people.  If you’re suffering from weak boundaries, it can show up in all sorts of ways that will impact the organization of your home.  Here are some examples of what that might look like: […]
February 12, 2021

Happy Chinese New Year! Year of the Metal Ox

February 12th is the Chinese New Year.  It’s the start of the lunar year, and is the second new moon of the Western calendar year.  2021 is the year of the Metal Ox.  Through my study of classical Feng Shui, I’ve developed a real interest in learning more about the […]
February 4, 2021

Intuitive Time Management

Do you feel like you have too much to do and too little time?  As a Certified Professional Home Organizer and Productivity Consultant,  I often help my clients with time management.  If you’re surrounded by physical clutter, usually it’s because the clutter is in the form of unfinished projects. Clutter […]
January 28, 2021

Hypnosis For Home Organization

Guest Blog Post By Lisa Shook, Hypnotherapist Use hypnosis to create new habits and stay free of clutter, enjoy more free time, and even save relationships. Have you hired Jean to help organize your home or office? I have, and you should hire her too. She is an amazing organizational […]
January 22, 2021

Taking Charge of Adult ADHD

Do you have trouble concentrating, paying attention, getting organized, planning, problem solving, or controlling your emotions?  If so, you may have Adult ADHD.  Dr. Russell Barkley, Ph.D, is one of the leading researchers on ADHD, and has written many books to help both kids, adults, and therapists or other helping […]
January 15, 2021

Artificial Stimulation- Breaking the Stigma About ADHD Medication

I have Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the majority of my clients have ADHD too.  I know at one point, I perpetuated the stigma about ADHD medication. Now through my own experience with myself and with helping hundreds of clients with ADHD, I am an advocate for anyone who […]