Holistic Home Organizing and Coaching Tips | Seattle Sparkle Blog

Home Organization Blog

July 28, 2022

Factors Associated with Disorganization, Part 2

Last week I wrote a post about a bunch of different reasons people are disorganized. Neurologically-based conditions, environmental factors, lack of skills, personal choices, communication problems, complicated systems (or lack of systems), addictive tendencies, mental health issues, and transitions, are only about half of the reasons why people are disorganized. […]
July 21, 2022

Factors Associated with Disorganization, Part 1

Disorganization comes in many different forms and is caused by many different factors. When you can determine why you are disorganized, you can take steps to break your pattern. In this post, I’ll list a variety of reasons why people are disorganized. Read this post to see if you can […]
July 14, 2022

Are You Affected by Chronic Disorganization?

About half of my clients come to me because they want help for specific projects, like unpacking after a move, reorganizing a kitchen, overhauling a home office, making a garage more functional, or doing a closet refresh. The other half are affected by chronic disorganization. What is Chronic Disorganization (CD)? […]
July 8, 2022

Learning To Be Productive

For people with ADHD or other neurodivergence, being productive (while staying organized) can be really difficult. Many people can be productive while also making a huge, seemingly unrecoverable mess. But if you want to learn how to be productive without the rest of your life falling apart, you’re going to […]
June 24, 2022

Just Voted One Of The Best Home Organizers In Seattle!

I was just voted on of the best home organizers in Seattle!! How cool is that??             By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer Don’t forget to sign up for my organizing classes here Download my free 5 week journal The Seattle Sparkle Method to Get […]