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Home Organization Blog

January 8, 2021

Your “Just Right” Place

Happy New Year!  As a Certified Professional Organizer, I am an active member in our National Association of Professional Organizers Seattle Chapter.  In this group, we have monthly presentations on a variety of topics that are of interest to both Professional Organizers and our clients.  At our last meeting, we […]
January 1, 2021

Get Organized and Stay Organized 5 Week Journal

Are you ready to have an organized home, once and for all?? Subscribe to download my free 5 Week Get Organized and Stay Organized Journal.  Here is a sample from the 55 page journal. Are you ready to have an organized home, once and for all?? Subscribe to download my […]
December 31, 2020

Linear Thinking Versus a Holistic Approach

You’ve probably heard generic organizing “commandments” from magazines that say something like: -One in, one out -If you haven’t used/worn it in a year, donate it -Only buy what you need (no impulse purchases, even if it’s on sale) -Touch it once -Odds and ends should remain hidden -This list […]
December 31, 2020

Winter Solstice, the Water Element

Winter started on Dec. 21st. It’s the change of seasons from fall to winter.  One of the goals of Feng Shui is to teach how to live  harmoniously with the seasons, and navigate these transitions with grace and ease. So if you want to have an organized home, tune into […]
December 31, 2020

2021 Vision For An Organized Home

Happy New Year! Who’s 2021 vision is to have an organized home? I love to set my intentions for the upcoming year on December 21st, the winter solstice. It is the most powerful time of the year to set your goals into motion for the upcoming year. The intentions that […]
December 1, 2020

Virtual Organizing Rock Star

I get so excited to see how much progress my virtual organizing clients make through our sessions.  We started this project at the beginning of the pandemic, and it has truly been a total transformation!  We still have a little more work to do, but with my client’s permission, I […]
December 1, 2020

Organizing for Energy

I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!  We were so lucky to have such nice weather in Seattle on Thanksgiving day. I was able to get together with some friends for outdoor walks, and know others who participated in meal exchanges.  Even if we couldn’t physically be indoors with many […]
November 23, 2020

Organize Your Home Like Never Before With These 12 Tips

I was recently contacted by Redfin to contribute to an organizing article.  Please scroll down to read my hot tip! Originally posted on November 18, 2020 by Julia Weaver Having an organized home is something we all strive for, but may not always be a reality. With our busy […]
October 31, 2020

Fill Your Bank Account

Do you wish you could go to bed earlier, but end up staying up way past your bedtime due to “FOMO” (Fear of Missing Out)? A lack of sleep can be linked to: -A decrease in productivity -Mental, physical and emotional health issues -Inflammation -Weight Gain -Diminished Cognition -and a […]