Holistic Home Organizing and Coaching Tips | Seattle Sparkle Blog

Home Organization Blog

October 17, 2019

7 Steps to Bathroom Harmony

The bathroom is a space for releasing, renewing and personal hygiene. It’s where we liberate what we don’t need anymore, and where we can wash away toxins that our body has filtered out. Physically, it’s where we go to discharge our waste. The bathroom is also where we have privacy […]
October 5, 2019

Michael Schunke at Vetri

Last night, I had the opportunity to see Michael Schunke’s exhibition at Vetri in Seattle.  Michael is one of the very best glassblowers and designers.  He is truly fully committed to the process, and is an extraordinarily talented  goblet maker.  I have spent the past 20 years working with glass […]
October 3, 2019

The Equinox is a Time of Balance

According to the Washington Post, “the autumnal equinox is the halfway point between our longest and shortest days of the year — a time when Earth and the sun seem to stand in geometrical balance. It’s the exact moment when the sun appears straight over Earth’s equator (zero degrees latitude) […]
September 26, 2019

7 Tips on How to Organize and Enjoy Your Bedroom & Bonus: 3 Bedroom Organizing Challenges!

7 Tips on How to Organize and Enjoy Your Bedroom Bonus: 3 Bedroom Organizing Challenges! Creating and maintaining an organized bedroom is foundational for good health. The bedroom is a place to restore, cultivate intimacy and to sleep. This sacred room needs to be treated with special care and consistency, […]
September 16, 2019

ADHD and Organization

There are lots of myths, controversy and misunderstandings about what Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is. It was once thought to be a disorder that primarily affects boys who were a disruption in the classroom. As more research was done on ADHD, the list of causes and symptoms became more […]
September 12, 2019

Continuing Your Education

My last post was about helping school-aged kids prepare for the start of the school year.  As an organizer, I love to help kids and their parents create a system that works for them. What about adults? I firmly believe in the power of continued education.  Once graduated from school, […]