Practical and Magical Tips for Home Organization

As much as I love my crystals, Reiki, and practicing positive thinking, I also know that a home is not going to get organized on its own, solely through using magic and mindfulness. If you want an organized home, you must balance using mental, emotional, and spiritual practices with physical, practical practices. As we wrap up 2022, try some of these tips to get your home organized before the new year starts!
Practice honing your skills with metacognition. As you notice your thoughts, if they aren’t in alignment with your goals of having a more organized home, change the channel. Many people have an inner bully who is full of self-doubt and self-criticism. The more you listen to this voice, the louder it will become. The louder it is, the deeper the neural pathway groove is. When you notice thoughts like “I suck”, “I’m so disorganized”, “What’s wrong with me?”, SMILE and ask yourself something like “what if everything works out just fine?”. You will probably have to repeat this practice every day, multiple times a day. But the more you do it, you’ll start to notice that you won’t have to do it as often.
Pick an area of your home that needs decluttering and organizing. Does it look like your inner bully has come in and made a mess of things? Or does it look like your healthy, mature, adult self has taken the lead? By letting your mature, kind, and confident inner self take charge of the organizational tasks, the more your inner bully will learn who’s actually the boss. Sort like with like. Declutter what you don’t like, what you don’t need, or what you don’t want. Create clear homes for what you want to keep. You may need to use containers to group like items, or use shelves or drawers to house everything efficiently. If you start to get stuck, ask yourself who’s in charge. Is it the bully or is it your higher self?
People often don’t want to feel undesirable feelings such as loneliness, helplessness, insecurity, jealousy, embarrassment, rejection, shame, disappointment, humiliation, overwhelm, frustration, or fear. Instead of feeling those feelings, many people will over/under eat, indulge in chocolate or other junk food, over/under exercise, binge watch TV, drink alcohol, use drugs (legal and illegal), over shop, or any number of other practices to numb their feelings. Almost all of these things will result in a cluttered home for one reason or another. Practice identifying what emotion you are trying to avoid. Use the help of an emotions wheel (Google has a great selection of free printable versions) if you want help identifying what you’re feeling (sometimes it can be really hard to know!). Once you know what emotion you’re feeling, identify where you feel it in your body. It may feel like a lump in your throat, a headache, jitters, butterflies, nausea, tension, or something else. Or you may notice the feeling in your body first. If you can’t identify the emotion right away, look at an emotions wheel to help you identify what you’re feeling. By getting into the practice of feeling your emotion and naming it, you are one step closer to letting go of the practices that work against your goals of having an organized home.
Just as you maintain your body and mind, you’ll need to put a good maintenance practice into place to maintain the orderliness of your home. You can’t just take a shower once and call it good. You need to take a shower on a regular basis. You can’t just organize a space and call it good. You need to maintain that space on a regular basis. What’s getting in the way? Are their multiple people living in the home, and work responsibilities haven’t been clearly delineated? Or is it just you, and you don’t know how to create an effective maintenance plan? There are many free printable chore charts online. Check them out and see what works for you. Once you get the hang of it, you probably won’t have to keep using it forever. You don’t have to go from 0 to 60 overnight. Pick a chore or two to master, and once you’ve got that going on, gradually add more chores to your list. If you add too many too fast, you won’t have the motivation to keep it up. Slow down, and only commit to what you know you’ll actually do.
This is one of my favorite categories, as I spend a good deal of time taking classes and learning more spiritual concepts. Although I am technically Catholic, that religion has never resonated with me (except for the gorgeous architecture and stained glass windows). Spirituality really has nothing to do with religion, but it can, if that’s what works for you. Spirituality is undeniable. It’s like liking a particular song or genre of music. If it resonates with you, there is no mistaking that. You don’t have to understand why you like it. Oftentimes the message with music has NOTHING to do with the words. If you’re someone who really likes music like I do, you can hear and feel how the universal energy is channeled through the sound of the music. What do you like? What resonates with you?
Bring a spiritual element into your home. I personally love using a combination of physical objects such as crystals, artwork, and images or other symbology along with the non-physical: sound, light, smell (usually essential oils or incense), Reiki energy, and non-physical helpers such as spirit guides, sprites to hold particular vibrations. How can you pull in more universal energy into your home to bring in more harmony, peace, and balance where you live? Would it benefit you to learn Reiki? Do you like crystals? What type of imagery helps you remember the universal source energy that is all around us? There are so many images to choose from such as Jesus, Buddha, or Jah Rastafari. Or maybe a picture of nature really resonates with you. Look around at your home. What percentage of the things you have really get you excited about your deeper connection to the universe? How much stuff do you have that has the opposite effect (keeps you stuck in the rat race mentality, or you keep out of obligation?). If you don’t know where to start, visit your local spiritual bookstore, and see what book falls off the shelf for you.
By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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