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Home Organization Blog

June 28, 2021

Client Spotlight: Paper Shred Event

I hope everyone is having a great weekend! Here’s a recent photo one of my virtual clients sent me when she took a ton of paper to a local shredding event. Please send her virtual high fives!! Going through paper- recycling, shredding, and then filing what you want to keep, […]
June 17, 2021

Summer Solstice: The Fire Element

In Feng Shui, one of the 8 rays of Chinese Medicine, each season is associated with an element.  The element for summer is FIRE!! This is my FAVORITE season!! I have worked for years as a glassblower, so have spent a long time using fire within my artmaking process.  I’m […]
June 3, 2021

Calling In Non-Physical Help

In this post, I wanted to talk about some of the non-physical help you can call in when you’re decluttering and organizing your space.  No matter if you’re in the decluttering stage, organizing stage, space clearing, enhancing the Feng Shui of your space, or simply just doing a daily maintenance […]
May 27, 2021

Refrigerator Avoidance

I’m sure you’ve heard of the term “Refrigerator Mothers”.  These mothers are cold, neglectful, and uncaring towards their children. They lack physical and emotional warmth.  There was once a theory that Refrigerator Mothers caused their children to have autism.  While this thought it now outdated, emotionally neglectful parenting often results […]
May 20, 2021

Allow Your Authentic Power To Shine

Purchase this print from RainCityPrints on Etsy “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, […]