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Home Organization Blog

December 26, 2021

Seattle Times Holiday Decor Organizing

Happy holiday weekend! Now that Christmas is over, I know everyone’s starting to think about taking down their decorations. I was recently interviewed by the Seattle Times (along with a few other organizers in the area) to share some tips on how to store holiday decorations. The article was in […]
December 17, 2021

Protecting Your Own Energy

“Constant stress draws from the invisible field around our body & depletes our vital life force, leaving little energy for repair and restoration”. -Dr. Joe Dispenza The holidays are portrayed as a cheerful and happy for time for many people, but it’s also a notoriously stressful time of year for […]
December 10, 2021

Storage Unit Shame

As a Professional Organizer, I hear a lot of people talk about their shame for having a storage unit.  Pop culture has created a stigma around storage units. There’s so much societal shaming that gets done about how people have “too much stuff”. There are “socially acceptable” reasons for getting […]
December 2, 2021

Organizing Holiday Decorations

Organizing holiday decorations can really be a tangled mess if you don’t know what you’re doing! I was just having a chat with my friend Brett Farrington, owner of Holiday Spirit Lighting.  His company does professional holiday lighting decorations for approximately 300 homes and businesses in the Seattle area. They […]
November 25, 2021

Client Spotlight & Winter Solstice Prep

The time between Daylight Savings “Fall Back” and the Winter Solstice is definitely a dark time of year.  I’m a summertime lover, so prefer lots and lots of daylight. But this year, I’ve decided to look for more positive ways to reframe how I approach this dark time of year. […]
November 11, 2021

Sign Up For Home Organizing Group Classes!

After 6+ years of providing 1:1 home organizing sessions, I’ve finally decided to start offering group classes! Sign up here: Is This You?: Do you want to get organized, but you’re plagued with procrastination? Maybe you’re a perfectionist who doesn’t want to get started because you don’t think you’ll […]
November 5, 2021

Taking Inspired Action

How often have you heard “inspirational” quotes about picking yourself up when you don’t want to, doing things you don’t want to do, pressuring yourself to work harder? I’ve personally heard so many teachers and coaches telling their students to do things even if they aren’t in the mood. Guess […]
October 28, 2021

Client Spotlight: Utility Closets

No matter where you live, whether it be in a small apartment or a large home, having an organized closet is always important. For this post, I’m highlighting 2 different utility closets in a super stylish apartment in Seattle. My client is very artistic, and has a great eye for […]