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Home Organization Blog

June 3, 2022

ADHD and Self-Criticism

ADHD and Self-Criticism are closely linked. Whether you’re a very high-achieving professional or someone who enjoys your time at the couch like it’s your career, people with ADHD are notoriously hard on themselves! Many people with ADHD are also perfectionists who have had a lifetime of unmet self-expectations. They use […]
May 26, 2022

Productivity for ADHD Class

Do you want to be more productive? Many people with ADHD struggle with productivity for a variety of reasons. People with ADHD generally have a difficult time focusing, or can hyper-focus on something, making it hard to get anything else done. ADHD’ers often have trouble prioritizing and planning, and so […]
May 19, 2022

Client Spotlight: Craft Closet

As a fellow artist and craftsperson, I get very excited when I get to help someone else organize their craft supplies! For this client spotlight, I wanted to highlight a recent craft closet that I had the pleasure of helping one of my very sweet clients organize. If you’ve got […]
May 12, 2022

Client Spotlight: Powerhouse Mom’s Office

What do you do when you and your partner work from home, you’re planning a big event, you have 4 kids (including a 1 year old teething baby), and have multiple 4 legged pets running around the house? I can guarantee, processing your incoming mail is not at the top […]
May 6, 2022

Manifesting An Organized Home

As we’re approaching the Summer Solstice, I wanted to talk about how to raise up your vibration so that you can be well positioned for manifesting an organized home. The Summer Solstice is half way through the year, and energetically is a powerful time in the universe where you can […]
April 28, 2022

Summer Solstice Organizing Class

We’re approaching a very special time of the year, my FAVORITE time of year, the Summer Solstice! This is the time of the year when you can set power packed intentions, and they get supercharged throughout the universe. It’s also a great time to look back at your intentions that […]