How To Get Your Subconscious Mind in Alignment With Your Conscious Desires

So you want to get organized. You keep saying you want to get organized. You try. You may have even organized a junk drawer or two. But why aren’t your desires to get organized materializing in actual organization? Your subconscious mind doesn’t like change. And so if it senses change, it will do everything in it’s power to keep things the same. The thing to do is to figure out how to help your subconscious mind feel safe enough to join your conscious mind in your desire to get organized. How do you lure your subconscious mind AND keep the environment safe? Think about a sleeping baby in a car. You’ve driven around in circles for hours, and the baby is finally asleep! Now how do you get it in the house and into bed, so you can finally go to bed too?? It’s that type of finesse you’ll need to bring your subconscious mind to where you want it to be. It’s about cultivating a steady, balanced equilibrium.
As someone with Hashimoto’s, I am constantly aware of the necessity for balance. Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disorder that often causes hypothyroidism. They thyroid gland is extremely sensitive, and regulating it can be a frustrating game of over and under correcting. I like to weave concepts about health into the work I do as a Professional Organizer, because they are often so deeply intertwined. When your body is not operating as well as it could, it’s really hard to get organized! And when you’re not organized, you may also be experiencing health ailments. So where do you start? I find that an indirect approach to both health and organizing provides the most long lasting results. For example, if you want balance in one really important, yet really EMOTIONALLY CHARGED area, you may make more progress by addressing balance in a series of outer lying subjects, no matter how insignificant they may seem. Conversely, sometimes by focusing on one really important area, the other areas will fall into place. Both ways can potentially work, but if your subconscious mind isn’t on board with your goal, you’re not going to make any progress. Through years of doing my own personal work and working with clients, I’ve developed several methods to get the subconscious mind in alignment with your conscious desires. Working with a coach who can help you with your limiting beliefs is certainly a key component. Bringing your body into balance is another part of the equation that for most people is an absolute necessity!
Here are some ideas for cultivating internal balance
- Always balance your internal system first with diet. Food is the foundation. What foods provide long lasting nourishment and energy, and which ones send you on a blood sugar rollercoaster? Or do you flip flop between eating lots of salty food, and then needing sugary food to wash it down? Then back to the salt, and back to the sugar? Those extremes are not going to support the work you consciously want to do.
- Exercise/Sleep. Your body needs to be worked, and needs rest. Are you getting an adequate amount of both movement (yang) and stillness (yin)? Or are you overdoing one and sacrificing the other?
- Fun/Work. Overworking yourself can be a great solution to avoid having to deal with problems you don’t want to face. If you’re afraid of intimacy or don’t want to address the emotional and logistical challenges of making a big change in your life (like a major breakup), overworking yourself can seem like a socially virtuous endeavor. When was the last time you really had fun? Or are you so busy having “fun” (really just procrastinating) avoiding fulfilling your potential that you don’t make time for what really makes your heart sing?
- Listen/Contribute. In conversation, are you someone that only listens, and you never feel like you have a chance to say anything? Or do you talk so much that no one else can get a word in? Consciously converse with those that value you and what you have to say, and with people who you want to hear from too!
- Consume/Create. We have some real gems in my Toastmasters club. I often find myself taking notes on the inspirational messages I hear. A few weeks ago, one of the guys was talking about how he likes to balance his writing and reading time. All good writers know they need to read, but they also need to write! By living by the mantra “Create First”, he’s able to intuitively balance how much he consumes with how much he creates.
- Make messes/ Clean up. Some people want to keep their homes so neatly organized that they never want to make a mess. When this happens, creativity can suffer. Whether you’re an artist, a cook, or something else, messes can be a sign of a healthy practice. But when they become stagnant or get out of control, it can cause real issues. Don’t be afraid to make a mess, and if you can’t clean it up by yourself, don’t be afraid to ask for help!
- Acupuncture. This is one of my favorite ways to cultivate internal balance. A skilled acupuncturist can release blockages that are preventing the body from coming into balance. If you’re in the Seattle area, I highly recommend Matthew Flesch and Inger Johnson!
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Photo Credit: Dane Deaner