Bringing Spiritual Elements Into Your Home

I started off college as an architecture major, and was in the program for two years before I decided to switch to art. One of the things that had always inspired me about architecture were the spiritual elements. Although I was raised Catholic, it’s not something I practice, but I do love the architecture of churches. I have been really inspired by Gaudi’s La Sagrada Familia and I’ve made lots of art about heavenly vaulted ceilings. I love how churches use light, color, pattern, sound, and scent to charge the space with goodness. There are plenty of secular spaces that do this as well, such as health spas, concert venues, and museums. And then there are natural outdoor spaces that have either been designed by humans, or are naturally occurring, where you can see and feel that the energy of the space is extra special. Observing these types of environments is definitely something that greatly inspires my home organizing practice. If you’re interested in creating more good energy in your home, keep reading!
Spirituality is a connection to something larger than yourself. For many people, this could mean God, source energy, or the universe. It can also mean community, or your connection with nature. “Spirituality” can be a very triggering word for some people for a variety of different reasons. One big reason is for people who associate the word “spirituality” with “religion”. There is no doubt, religion can be a great thing, but it can also be very damaging to people. What does spirituality mean to you?
I am a very spiritual person myself. I always have been. I’m very in-tune with plants, animals, and non-physical energies. I love the metaphysical world, however, I certainly don’t embrace all of it! Just like the earth plane, there are certain people we don’t want to associate with, the same is true for the metaphysical world. I practice two different types of Reiki, I’ve taken many years of energy healing classes, and continue to work on honing my skills in these areas. I love energetic space clearing, crystals, plants, and using sound and scent to amplify the energy of a space. I believe in spirit guides and other non-physical healing energies to help bring peace and balance to a place. In this post, I’ll give you some of my best tips for bringing in more of a spiritual element into your home.
-Create a sacred space where you can focus to create a special spiritual “command center”. Many people call this an altar. This is a place where you can write down your intentions, and you can amplify them with crystals, candles, imagery, and other good vibes. Clean of a table (or corner of a dresser) to serve as your altar. Use a box or a notebook to fill with your intentions. Decorate this space with imagery that inspires you, photos of loved ones, special objects, or whatever you want. You can also use this space to give offerings to your ancestors if you feel inspired to do that.
-Candles are a great way to bring in light and focus to your intentions. Use good quality candles such as beeswax, soy wax, or coconut wax. Avoid paraffin, as it has been found to be carcinogenic.
-Bring nature indoors! Use plants in different areas of the home to help bring more spiritual energy into your home. Check out the book Everyday Plant Magic to learn more about how to do this. This book is so cool! You can also get an autographed copy from her website Infinite Succulent.
-Decorate with artwork and other imagery that helps you feel closer to your spiritual self. Pick things that really light you up, that make you feel happy when you look at them. It doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else. Follow your joy. This might mean using imagery from nature, the cosmos, animals, architecture, religious symbols, photos of people, or it might even be something abstract.
-Do practices in your home that make you feel more connected to your intuition and spiritual energy. This might mean making art, dancing, playing music, praying, meditating, doing yoga, intention setting ceremonies, using essential oils, burning incense, using tuning forks, journaling, Reiki, or whatever your personal practice or magical rituals might be.
-Crystals are a great way to bring a spiritual element into the home. Use your intuition to choose which ones you feel guided to use. Some of my favorites are amethyst, citrine, black tourmaline, selenite, clear quartz, smokey quartz, amber, Herkimer diamonds, and jet.
-Play with the lighting in your home. It’s important to be able to have spaces be well lit, but it’s also important to have low lighting as well. Use lamps or string lights to add in that variety.
-Create soothing spaces where you can really relax and feel calm. Bonus points if you also have outdoor space you can make into a relaxing and cozy place to be!
-The most important thing to do when bringing in more of a spiritual element into your home is to declutter your extra physical stuff, clean really well, and do energetic space clearing. I’m not going to focus on this for this post, but if you’re curious about energetic space clearing, check out these posts:
Another one on Energetic Space Clearing
10 Ways to Maximize Sheng Chi and Minimize Sha Chi
Home Assignment
How is spirituality expressed in your home? Do you have one space dedicated to your spirituality, or is your entire home filled with spiritual elements? Spend some time today cultivating a good spiritual space in your home.
Life Assignment
Journaling can take many forms. You may want to document your day, or you may want to work out some ideas that have been bouncing around in your mind. Get them out onto paper today. Physically handwriting your thoughts helps with the processing of emotions better than typing them on the computer, because it makes them more tangible. If you are working on processing some hard stuff, be sure to make sure you don’t get stuck going down the rabbit hole of negativity. These issues are important to address, but it’s possible to get caught up in a cycle of rumination, so watch yourself. Set limits for how long you journal, and be sure to spiral it back up before you get caught in the vortex. You will be able to address these thoughts another time, but if you let yourself get sucked into negativity each time, you are reinforcing those neural pathways. Practice acknowledging, validating and really feeling your emotions, without letting them consume you.
Posted By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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