Winter Solstice Intention Setting

Many people think New Year’s Day is the best time to start your year off fresh, but the Winter Solstice is the best time to set your intentions for the upcoming year. December 21st is the start of the energetic new year. It’s important to be very aware of your thoughts and actions during the solstice time, because this is what you will be pre-paving into the new year. Whether or not you’ve celebrated the Winter Solstice for years, or this will be your first time setting Solstice intentions, I’ll give you some ideas for how to make the most of this special holiday.
To prepare yourself and your space to receive all the wonderful intentions you’ll be setting for yourself, it’s important to make space for good things. Clean your home as best you can, or clean a section of your home. Even just wiping off a countertop that hasn’t seen the light of day for a little while is a great option. Or you could clean something that you’ve been meaning to clean for a while, but you haven’t. Declutter! Spend some time purging some old papers, rearranging your garage, or cleaning out your fridge. Make some donations to the thrift store. Be generous with your giving, and make it easy on yourself. Don’t get too hung up on making sure your donations get to the “right” place. It can be very time consuming to do it that way. Just make sure you are donating items to places that accept those items, and let it go. You could also make a financial donation to your favorite charity. If you don’t have time to do your whole house, do a small section to tell the universe that you’re making space for the blessings that are coming your way!
When your life is in balance, you will find yourself in the right place at the right time more often. Because life is constantly moving and changing, your ability to find (and keep) balance will be a constant pursuit. Some days (or years) will be easier than others. Just do your best. To assess how balanced your life is, look at the 5 main areas of life: health, career, finances, relationships, and a connection to something greater (some call this “spirituality”, but you could also think of it as your “connection to your community”). Are you spending a lot of time, effort, and energy in one area, and not attending to the other areas? This is the time to level out the scale a little. For many people, by gaining balance in the health department, you’re able to equalize the other areas. Think about it this way: good health is generally made up of: eating right, hydration, sleep, and exercise. When any one of these areas is off (either by over-doing it or under-doing it), you’re not going to feel good. You won’t have the energy to keep your home organized. You will be short tempered with your relationships. You’ll probably overspend to compensate for either your lack of vitamins or your lack of sleep. You may throw yourself into your work (either at your “job” or being overly attentive to your kids, and letting them run the show). Before you start 2023 on the wrong foot, make a change now to rebalance yourself, and watch how you flourish!
What are you grateful for? Spend some time making a list and writing down all the great things that you’re grateful for. Or make a point to write down (or think of) 3 things you’re grateful for each day. Challenge yourself to do 3 new things each day instead of just repeating the obvious. By choosing 3 new things each day, your brain will be primed to notice things (big and small) that you are grateful for throughout the day.
Get clarity on your intentions for the new year, and write them down. It’s a good idea to pick raw vibrations such as having more peace, love, bliss, spaciousness, and harmony etc. These are feelings that you can choose at any moment of any day, and you can have them right now. By boiling down the material or tangible things you want (an organized home, a relationship, a bigger place to live, a tropical vacation, a shiny new pair of shoes) into these raw vibrations, that will speed up your manifestation powers. To be able to manifest something, it’s imperative to move from a state of “longing” to gratitude that you already have the thing you want. The best way to do this is by feeling the feeling right now! If you’re in a state of longing, you will be pushing the thing you want away. Figure out what the feeling is that you’re after, and practice feeling that feeling far more often .
Have a ceremony
I have many different ways to set intentions into motion such as using Reiki and other things of the sort… so use whatever tools you have available to you. You could write your intentions down on two pieces of paper. Call in your spirit guides and non-physical helpers. Light a candle, talk about what you’re grateful for, read your intentions out loud, and then [safely!] burn one of the pieces of paper. Keep the other paper for reference throughout the year. Keep it in a special place such as under your crystal grid or on an altar, or keep it on a post-it note by your computer so that you see it every day! You can even get artsy and make a vision board, or buy letters from Michaels to remind you what your word for the year is. You could also make (or find) and image to be the background wallpaper for your phone so that you frequently remind yourself of what you’re working on for the year.
Metacognition is being aware of your thoughts. When you notice that you’re thinking something that is negative, or out of alignment with your intentions, disrupt the pattern. Smile!! Seriously… this is the easiest way to ward off negative thinking. It’s your good-luck charm. Use it! When you notice your brain going down a rabbit hole of “you’re not good enough”, “that’s impossible”, “you could never do that”, “you don’t deserve that”, just smile. When the thoughts come back again (as they always do!), smile again. Then ask yourself a positive “what if” question such as “what if it all works out?” and let it go. The more you practice noticing negative thinking and disrupting it with a smile and a positive “what if” question, the easier time you will have allowing the great things to come into your world. It sounds ridiculously simple… but it really works!
By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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