Starting The Year Off Right

As a home organizer, my job is to teach my clients how to be more organized. Many of my clients have ADHD, which makes being organized even harder than people with neurotypical brains. I have ADHD myself, and so have learned so many unconventional techniques to teach myself how to be more organized. People with ADHD often have challenges with self-esteem because when they try to do things in the neurotypical way, tasks take longer, and they often feel “not as good” as their neurotypical peers. So instead of re-reading conventional organizing books and just “trying harder”, it’s important for ADHD people to just “try differently”. It’s incredibly important to address the self-esteem piece. That’s often what is at the root of all organizational issues. A feeling of “not being good enough” can translate into “not being enough”, which results in over-shopping, holding on to unnecessary belongings “just in case” and a general lack of care for surroundings. When you can improve your self-esteem, your surroundings will improve almost effortlessly. And as your surroundings are looking and feeling more organized, that will positively impact your self-esteem. So before you start organizing, start to fill up your self-esteem tank. How do you do this?
Clearly, there are many, many, many ways of improving your self-esteem. Searching “self-help books” on Amazon will yield over 100,000 results! If you want to improve your self-esteem, remember that you are not alone. There is no shame in wanting to feel better and create a more fulfilling life for yourself. For this post, I’ll give you some of my top suggestions for uprooting your issues with organization, once and for all.
1. Be very intentional about what images are infiltrating your subconscious mind. Create a collection of images that inspire you to reach your goals. If your goal is to get organized, create a collection of organized interior spaces that are pleasing to you. You can cut these out of magazines and put them up in strategic places around the house, or compile them onto a vision board. Or you can create a collection of digital images on your phone or computer. It’s best if you can look at these first thing in the morning, or right before bed, because those are great times to access your subconscious mind.
2. Use hypnotherapy tracks/ guided meditations to get the memo to your subconscious that you are enough. Search “guided meditation for success and confidence” on YouTube to start looking for something that resonates with you. Or work with a hypnotherapist like Lisa Shook who can help you make changes in your subconscious mind.
3. Fuel your body right. If you want to feel like you’re enough, you’ve got to start feeding your body with food that tells your cells that everything is going to be ok. Sugar and processed carbs fuel your body with fear and anxiety. Healthy protein, healthy fat, and healthy carbs like vegetables and fruit are going to fuel your cells with positive energy. I’m a huge fan of the Whole 30 protocol, where you eat only whole foods (nothing processed) for 30 days. It’s changed by life and I know has changed many other lives as well.
4. Get enough sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t feel like you have enough. All day, your brain and body will be complaining because it’s worn out. Think of it as filling your bank account. You can’t draw money from an empty account. Being exhausted will set you up for the junk food rollercoaster, and also makes you more prone to emotional reactivity and impulsivity.
5. Get your circulation moving, practice your balance, and improve your strength. When your body feels strong, your mind will feel strong. Put a good exercise routine in place so that you feel good.
6. Learn the Emotional Freedom Technique “EFT”/ Tapping. This is a way to clear subconscious blocks. I learned it from Nancy Linnerooth, who I highly recommend! The brain doesn’t like change. It likes to keep things the same because that feels safe. EFT is a way to get your brain to believe that you’ll be ok even if you make a change.
7. Read high quality books that inspire you to be the best version of yourself that you can be. Atomic Habits is one of my favorites.
8. Surround yourself with like-minded people who are positive, who make you feel good about yourself, who are emotionally intelligent, and where the relationships are reciprocal. Don’t spend time with people who drain your energy, who are pessimistic, or who complain a lot. You won’t have the energy left over to achieve your own goals, because your energy will have been depleted by others. Look for relationships that foster interdependence rather than ones that are codependent.
9. Get creative. Let your heart sing! Do you love to make art, music, dance, write, or utilize your creativity in other ways? By getting creative, you’ll give that inner “you” an opportunity to grow and shine.
10. It may be time for therapy. If you’re unhappy about where your life is, or you’re dealing with some major or chronic issues, book a session with a licensed mental health therapist, hypnotherapist, energy worker, or coach who can help you process what’s been going on in your life.
There are so many more ways to help improve your self-esteem, but this is a good place to start. What do you like to do to improve your self-esteem? Please share in the comments!
By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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