Protecting Your Own Energy

“Constant stress draws from the invisible field around our body & depletes our vital life force, leaving little energy for repair and restoration”. -Dr. Joe Dispenza
The holidays are portrayed as a cheerful and happy for time for many people, but it’s also a notoriously stressful time of year for a variety of reasons. Social obligations, health issues, finances, and end-of-year to-do lists all tend to mound up in December. The darkness and weather can compound issues, especially in this part of the globe. However you’re dealing with the stress in your life will show up in your home. Does the main floor look ok, but you’ve crammed everything into the basement or in closets? Do you have undone projects all around? Are the packages accumulating quicker than you can take the recycling out? However your home is reflecting your stress, I can assure you that you are not alone! As a home organizer, I like to attack organizational problems by using both rational thinking and out-of the box solutions. By learning to protect your own energy, you’ll be able to get your home organized and keep it organized! This is lifelong work for many people, so if you don’t get it right away, remember that even the smallest incremental improvement will be a big needle mover over time. For this post, I’ve compiled some of my favorite techniques to help you protect your own energy.
- At the entrance (also called the Ming Tang) of your home, use a statue or other type of imagery to serve as a guardian or amulet to protect the home. Different cultures use different symbolism. Mezuzahs, crosses, lions, and dogs are some of the most commonly used. I personally like to use an image of Haile Selassie. You can also use stones such as black tourmaline or selenite to provide energetic protection for the home. If you’re into crystals, you can charge a clear or smoky quartz to protect the home. There are also other stones that are good for protection or setting the energy of the home. Use your intuition to help guide you to which stones would be best for your home. You can also wear the stones as jewelry or carry them in your pocket.
- Get good at saying “no”. For all of us recovering people pleasers, the act of saying no can be accompanied by a string of guilt and self-gaslighting (not trusting yourself and second guessing your choices). Your thoughts may become filled with defensiveness, on a mental loop, trying to justify your choice to draw a boundary. The looping is tough! If people aren’t respecting your boundaries, take a step back so that you can gain your footing and proper perspective. Remember, every time you say “no”, you’re probably also inspiring someone else to say no to something that’s been a problem in their life as well.
- Get proper sleep. It’s so tempting to stay up watching TV, scrolling through cute photos on your phone, or doing whatever else you like to do when you should be listening to your inner advisor and hitting the sack. Use an Oura Ring to track your sleep so you can see what your patterns are and see how much sleep you’re actually getting. When you’re asleep, your body is in a healing state, and it’s able to process emotions. So much clutter exists because of unprocessed emotions. Also, when you’re sleeping, you’re not able to add more clutter to your home. So do yourself a favor and allow your body to rest.
- Boost your immunity to help protect your energy. Eat foods that are nutritionally dense and compatible for your body. Sugar is an anti-nutrient. It pulls nutrients from your body. Fake sugar is even worse for you. Instead of focusing on “not” eating sugar (which will make you want it even more), focus on fueling up with healthy food first. Make sure you get in enough servings of healthy proteins, vegetables, healthy fats, and healthy carbs. Everyone has different macronutrient requirements. Work with a functional medicine doctor or naturopath who can help you figure out what ratios are right for you. For many people with ADHD, anxiety and depression, a diet that is higher in healthy proteins and fats (and lower in healthy carbs) is usually what works the best. If you’ve been doing well with your diet, but have fallen off the wagon, have some compassion for yourself, and get back on the horse when the time is right for you. Make sure to drink plenty of water so that you can continue to flush out your system and stay hydrated. Eating right will also give you the energy to get your house organized. I also love using eucalyptus or orange essential oil on my body or in my diffuser for an immunity boost. Dropping some essential oil in an Epsom salt bath is another great immunity booster!
- Do an energy clearing in your home. There are many ways to do this. I have done a multi-year training to learn how to provide house clearing services for my clients. If you’ve never been trained to do house clearings, you can still provide beneficial energy clearings to your own home. There are many ways to do this, so use your intuition to see what works for you. Many people like to open windows to get the air flowing. You can also burn some sage or sweetgrass to get the low vibration energy to loosen its grip and exit. Shake rattles or use other musical instruments to clear out stagnant energy. Essential oils like clove and lemongrass are also great for clearing. Please be very cautious using essential oils if you have pets. Make sure you have adequate ventilation. Some people also like to sprinkle salt around the house and vacuum it up to clear the energy. Once you’ve cleared out the low vibe energy, bring in high vibration energy by lighting candles, using tuning forks or chimes or lighting rose incense. I love incorporating Reiki energy into my space clearings. If you’re interested in learning how to use Reiki, please send me a message.
- Take time to incorporate balance and strength training sessions into your workouts. By working on your physical balance and strength, you’ll be improving your mental and emotional balance and strength as well. This will help you to balance your time, have an easier time making decisions enforce healthy boundaries and feel more confident with who you are. It will make you feel like your energy is WORTH protecting rather than just doling out to others to do what they want with it.
- Last, but DEFINITELY not least, BUBBLE UP! When you first wake up, when you get into bed to go to sleep, and multiple times throughout the day, imagine yourself in a large (20’ in diameter minimum) bubble of white light. Allow this bubble to extend 10’ in front of you, above you, behind you, underneath you, and to each side. Feel the spaciousness of being in your own bubble. No one else’s energy is allowed in your bubble but yours (that’s when codependent enmeshment occurs). Feel source energy coming in through the top of your head, through your body and out your feet. Feel grounding earth energy coming in from the earth through your feet, up through your body, and out the top of your head. Easy peasy! The main source of clutter in anyone’s home is almost always when someone’s bubble has become perforated and has someone else’s energy in it. A good way to visualize healthy bubble connection is by imagining two candles next to each other in the dark. When you move them closer to each other, the spherical glow of the light becomes brighter. You can move them away from each other and each candle remains illuminated. This is what healthy personal bubble maintenance looks like.
How do you like to protect your energy? Please share your tips in the comments!
By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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