Productivity for ADHD Class

Do you want to be more productive? Many people with ADHD struggle with productivity for a variety of reasons. People with ADHD generally have a difficult time focusing, or can hyper-focus on something, making it hard to get anything else done. ADHD’ers often have trouble prioritizing and planning, and so may have a hard time choosing what task to do first, or trouble following the steps to meet their goal. Overarchingly, people with ADHD have developed a false sense of identity in that they believe they are “not productive” or even worse, “lazy”. This can lead to self-esteem issues regarding processing speed or producing an inadequate quantity and quality of work as colleagues. I worked as a production glassblower for many years, which taught me my love for productivity. I have an ever growing curiosity about efficiency, and so love teaching my tips to anyone who wants to boost their productivity. If you have ADHD and want to boost your productivity this summer, this class is for you!
In this class, I will help you define what you want to be more productive doing, and what’s getting in the way. We will look at what you’re currently doing, what’s working, what’s not working, and what needs to be done about it. I will help you become crystal clear on what your goal for the class is, so that you can prioritize working on a project for the 4 weeks of class (and possibly beyond!). Examples of productivity projects may revolve around home or office organization, but they could also be about food preparation and management, creative projects such as art, writing, music production, or whatever else you want! We will take time during class to work on the project, so you will need to be at home (or wherever else you can work on your project). We will talk about the Eisenhower Matrix so that you can balance your productivity with downtime as well.
For people with ADHD, it’s incredibly important to create conditions for success. Neurotypical brains aren’t at as much risk of distraction as ADHD brains, so over the course of the class, we will constantly be refining how we can create the space, time, and dexterity for you to achieve your goals. First we will look at environmental conditions for success. We will work on eliminating clutter, and filling the environment with productive (yet calming) energy. ADHD’ers are often sensitive to sounds, temperatures, textures, and other multisensory experiences, so we will examine how we can optimize your home and workspace.
We will then address your internal/ physical environment. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world, so we will talk about what sorts of foods will help boost your productivity, and what zaps it. We will talk about optimizing your sleep schedule so that you get the right amount of good quality sleep. We will also talk about the role of physical exercise on your level of productivity. Too much and you won’t have energy to produce what you want. Too little and you won’t have the strength or stamina to do what you want.
I’ll give you exercises to address your mental and emotional environment as well, since a negative attitude will surely impact your productivity. Metacognition (being aware of your thoughts) is paramount to being a productive powerhouse.
Are you ready to level up your productivity game? If so, sign up for the class here.
Time: 4pm-5:15pm Pacific Time
Dates: Thursdays, July 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th 2022
Fee: $200
Students will meet once a week for four weeks over Zoom. The class size is limited to 4 participants. This will be an interactive class.
By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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For artwork to energize your home, order through or on Etsy.