Pagosa Hot Springs

Have you ever been to the Rockies in the fall? I had the pleasure of going on a vacation to Durango, Colorado earlier this month. It was absolutely incredible! One of my favorite things we did when we were there was to visit Pagosa Hot Springs. As a blog writer about home organizing, I love to draw comparisons about health and wellness activities and having an organized home. One of the things that struck me the most about the springs was their display of all the minerals that are in the water, and their healing benefits. It made me think of how we surround ourselves with different types of “minerals” (i.e. our stuff) all day. Too much or too little of any of these minerals will disrupt the balance of the home and our bodies. Are you interested in hearing more about Pagosa Hot Springs? Keep reading!
Open for guests since 1950, the Pagosa Hot Springs are filled with geothermal water that has essential healing minerals. There are 25 different pools at a variety of different temperatures, some of which are very hot. One of the pools is even called the “Lobster Pot”. Soaking in the pools is healing in so many different ways, from strengthening the immune system, to reducing inflammation, to treating allergies, and so much more! Beyond just the physical sensation of relaxing in warm water overlooking the beautiful San Juan River and breathing in clean mountain air, the rich mineral content of the water creates a profound rejuvenating and healing effect.
Below are the 13 naturally occurring elements that are found in the hot springs water. I took the photos from the display of the elements they had in the lobby. Look at all of the health benefits. Think about what’s going on with your body health-wise. Do you have arthritis? Issues with your musculoskeletal system? Mental health issues? Gastrointestinal issues? Heart issues? High blood pressure? Toxins (heavy metals, mycotoxins, unhealthy chemicals etc)? Skin issues? Issues with bones/teeth? Nerve issues? Brain issues? Blood sugar? Inflammation? Migraines? Wound healing? Hormones? Digestion? Stress? Fatigue? Maybe you’re due for a visit to Pagosa Hot Springs! If you felt better, how do you think your home would respond? Would you have more energy to declutter and keep things neat? Would you shop less? Would you be able to start and finish projects in a more timely manner? Would you remember to do the things needed to keep your house in order?
- Sodium 790: Equivalent levels equal the salinity in sea water. Salt soaks have been known to relieve symptoms of arthritis.
- Chloride 180: Musculoskeletal benefits.
- Lithium 2.9: Produced positive effects in mental balance and gastrointestinal conditions.
- Potassium 90: Normalizes heart rhythms, assists in reducing high blood pressure, eliminates body toxins, promotes healthy skin.
- Fluoride 4.3: Calcium fluoride is a constituent of the elastic fibers of the skin and the surface of bones and teeth. Promotes hardness and stability.
- Manganese 0.23: Helps nourish nerves and the brain. Acts as a catalyst in the breakdown of fats and cholesterol.
- Magnesium 25: Maintains normal heart rhythms, converts blood sugar to energy, and maintains muscle tissue and hormone levels.
- Arsenic 0.12: Studies report benefits for plasma and tissue growth.
- Sulfate 1400: Rids the body of toxins and promotes health of bones, hair, nails, fluids in joints and vertebral discs. Sulfur is an anti-inflammatory.
- Silica 54: Strengthens bones, boosts the immune system, promotes healthy nerves, mucous membranes, hair, and nails. Used in treating acne and migraines.
- Boron 1.8: Boosts brain activity, builds muscle mass, and strengthens bones.
- Zinc 0.01: An antioxidant nutrient, Zinc promotes wound healing, maintains male hormone activity, and aids in digestion.
- Iron 0.08: Builds up the quality of blood and increases resistance to stress and disease. Prevents fatigue and promotes good skin tone.
If you have these issues, I’m sure you’ve been working long and hard at healing your body. Look at your home. Do you see your health issues reflected in your environment? The example I always like to give is that clogged arteries in the body can often appear as a difficulty moving through the house due to clutter. And digestive issues are a sign of boundary issues, so you’ll probably have a hard time saying “no” to unwanted “gifts”. As you improve the environment of your home, you’ll start to notice that your health issues will probably start to get better. I love combining western medicine with holistic medicine. If you’ve been dealing with any chronic issues and you haven’t made much headway with western medicine, it may be time to schedule an appointment with a naturopath or functional medicine doctor. If you’ve already tried holistic medicine, and you’re still not seeing results…and you WANT to get better, it may be time to work with a therapist, energy worker, or hypnotherapist, who can help you get your mindset in the right place. You’ll be amazed at how the organization of your home falls into place when you get your health balanced.
Something else to think about is what kind of “minerals” are in your home? And in what quantity? Just as SOME arsenic is beneficial for plasma and tissue growth, TOO MUCH is poisonous. Some books will make you feel smart and well read, but too many will make you feel overwhelmed and not good enough. Some unfinished projects will make you feel creative and ambitious, but too many will make you feel like a failure. Some clothes will make you feel stylish and confident, but too many will make you feel overly materialistic. See where I’m going with this? Think about the items in your home as minerals in the hot springs water. Are your levels just right? Or are you poisoning yourself?
Image credit: Pagosa Hot Springs

By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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