Owning Your Beliefs

Everyone came into this world to learn lessons and have experiences so that their soul can grow and expand. Before you were born, you chose what type of family to be born into, what gifts you would bring with you, and what challenges you wanted to experience so that your soul could continue on its path of learning. The more difficult your life has been, the more potential there is for increased expansion. It’s common for people to blame their parents or their circumstances for why life isn’t where they want it to be. I also hear people blame themselves, like they should have tried harder, said things differently, or taken another course of action. Another common way people blame themselves if they have hardships is that they must be paying for some wrong-doing they did in a past life. But please ask yourself, “what if I chose my circumstances?”. What are all the positive lessons you are gaining from having the experiences you’ve had in this lifetime? My big “ah-ha moment” came to me this week after a meditation. I have chosen my circumstances so that I can hone my skills in owning my own beliefs. Do you ever feel bad for liking things that other people want you to dislike or feel guilty about? Or do you ever feel like you want to take care of other people’s emotions who don’t like when you ask them to stop doing something that they consider to be kind, but it’s really a violation of your boundaries? When you verbalize something that the group of people you’re talking to may not agree with, do you find yourself wanting to frame the idea as someone else’s? You may be in this lifeline to work on owning your own beliefs too.
What does this have to do with home organizing? There are three main reasons.
- When you can understand why you chose your circumstances, you can begin to honor yourself and your choices. The more you can honor yourself, the more you will value yourself. The more you value yourself, your self-esteem will rise, and it will be reflected in your environment with a more organized home. When your self-esteem is low, you may not care enough to take out the trash on a regular basis, you may fill your closet with clothes that aren’t flattering, and you also may be in the habit of over-shopping to try to artificially make yourself feel better. When you value yourself, you take care of yourself. You regulate your energy in a multitude of ways. You provide yourself with good quality foods so that you can nourish your body. You move your body through stretching, strength training, and cardio so that your body can stay strong and healthy. You get adequate rest, putting yourself to bed on time and waking up on time so that you can make the most of your time. You get together with friends where the relationships are mutually beneficial. You feel like you’re fulfilling meaningful work on a regular basis. You have proven to yourself that you are reliable and can do the things you say you’re going to do. You feel good about yourself and you take care of your surroundings because that feels normal and automatic to you.
- When you can honor yourself for the choices you made, you will be able to start to honor others for the choices they made. Please understand that these choices are usually not conscious. They come from a soul level consciousness where life is eternal. There is no good or bad. When you can honor others for the choices they make, your need to worry about others will decrease. When your thoughts are not filled with worry and guilt, you can really start to enjoy what you have. This sense of joy will radiate through your home, and you will even be able to start to notice the joy of inanimate objects. When something is in your home that is not filled with joy, you will know exactly what to do to restore joy to the item or you will be guided to re-home the item so that it can find joy somewhere else, or it can be recycled so that it can find a new form to express joy. You will find yourself doing things in your home that bring you joy, rather than sitting clenched on the couch, watching the news so that you can find more things to worry about.
- If “owning your beliefs” is one of the major learnings you’re here to work on in the lifetime, you will be faced with challenges that ask you to strengthen and express your beliefs. This could mean practicing expressing your preferences on the color of throw pillows you choose for the couch. Or it could mean stepping out of your comfort zone and making a bold statement with another decorative feature in your home. It could also mean going against social norms and using your formal dining room as an art studio. There is also obviously the element of knowing who you are and being sure of who you are, without question. When you’re not sure about things, indecisiveness sets in. There will be too many open loops- unfinished projects, questions waiting to be answered, and an over-abundance of options in the form of open computer tabs, paperwork to revisit, or an inability to get out of your head. It’s all about doing whatever is authentic to you, while being respectful of others, and only tolerating others in your life who can treat you with respect in return.
While of course organizing your home (on your own or with my lovely guidance) will help you get your home more organized, I love to help give people non-conventional tips on other ways they can address the root of the problem (visualize a dandelion weeding tool, if you may). As you probably know, Toastmasters has been a big theme of my recent blog posts, and I’m going to bring it up again. Do you want practice being able to identify and verbalize your beliefs? Toastmasters is a safe place to test out what you want to say to a kind, supportive, and non-judgmental audience. Please join me for the Ballard Sunset Open House, May 20th, 2021 from 7:30-8:45pm on Zoom. Melanie Lofstedt will be our featured speaker, giving a short yet entertaining and educational speech on the ancient Egyptian, Hatshepsut. Or if you’re not able to make it to that event, please join me online at either the Ballard Sunset (Thursdays at 7:30pm) or Snoqualmie Toastmasters, (Tuesdays at 7:30pm).
Are you interested in owning your beliefs? Contact me for the Toastmasters Zoom/WebEx link or get it through the website. I’d love to support you!
By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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For artwork to energize your home, order through jeanprominski.com or on Etsy.