Intuitive Time Management

Do you feel like you have too much to do and too little time? As a Certified Professional Home Organizer and Productivity Consultant, I often help my clients with time management. If you’re surrounded by physical clutter, usually it’s because the clutter is in the form of unfinished projects. Clutter and time management are very closely correlated. There are practical ways to manage your time such as making a to-do list, calendaring items, using a timer, getting an accountability partner, but what helps the most is when you can use your intuition to help guide your day.
If you were to allow yourself to use intuitive time management, would you be afraid you’d be eating cookies and playing video games all day? This actually isn’t the case. When you can really access your intuition and hear what it has to say, you will be doing the things that are the most important and fulfilling to you. They may not be the “easiest” things to do, but boy will you feel a sense of joy knowing that you are doing the things that are in alignment to your goals!
How do you do this? First, you need to stop letting your ego keep running the show. You know your ego is in charge if you feel a lot of fear, doubt, worry, indecision, and guilt. You feel totally stressed out. You can only access your intuition from “above the line of choice”. When you are feeling peace, joy, contentment, love, patience, humor, commitment, wonderment, and discernment, you are above the line of choice. Be sure to differentiate between your mind-made emotions and your true authentic emotions.
Get out of your head. Our minds can run all day telling us what we think we are feeling, should be feeling, or should be paying attention to. The second chakra, which is at the lower part of your abdomen, governs your authentic emotions. You can also feel them in the second layer of your aura, or energy field (about 1.5’ away from your body in all directions). When you can access your true emotions, you can access your intuition. Mind-made emotions can fluctuate quickly throughout the day. True emotions are more steady, and may last for weeks or months.
Access your parasympathetic nervous system. When you are in fight/flight/freeze mode, your sympathetic nervous system is activated. While your intuition may be able to save you from a hungry lion or burning building, this is not the state to be in if you want to access your intuition for longer term goals. When your parasympathetic nervous system is activated, you can relax, feel true happiness and joy, and feel a sense of connectedness to your higher self. This is where you want to be for intuitive time management.
Try this: To see how you’re really feeling, sit comfortably in a chair. Close your eyes, rub your hands together for a few seconds to warm them up. Rest your hands on your lower abdomen. With your eyes closed, look up, like you’re trying to look at your eyebrows. This is a medical technique to get your brain to relax. Take 3 deep breaths, and then relax your eyeballs. Bring your awareness to the lower part of your body to get grounded. Notice your feet, legs, and seat. When you can really feel the sensations in the lower part of your body, ask yourself what you are really feeling. Then let go, and don’t try and look for an answer. If you don’t “let go”, your mind will pop back in, will start analyzing and processing, and tell you what you think you want to hear. Stay relaxed. Notice what comes up. You may hear a word, get an image, notice a smell, or feel a sensation. Images may not be literal. For example, I really love seashells. So the last time I did this, I got images of seashells, indicating that I’m really happy! If you were to do this, and you got images of seashells, and you have an allergy to shellfish, the image may not indicate happiness for you. You can interpret these images however you’d like. The same image will not symbolize the same thing for everyone.
What is it time for right now? When you’re sure you’re in a high-vibe state, feeling joy, peace, patience, or any of the other relaxed or “upper” emotions, ask your self “what is it time for right now”? (It’s important to include the “right now”, because your intuition exists in the present). You may get a number, usually 1-5, indicating how many things it’s time for. Then listen for what they are, in order of priority. These will be things that are really important to you. While they could be restorative actions (like going to bed, yoga, or a healthy meal), they won’t be items that will tempt you to procrastinate, like futzing with your social media or doing other types of busywork.
By asking your higher self for intuitive guidance with managing your time, you will find yourself doing the actions that get you closer to your goals, rather than letting your ego keep you stuck in a cycle of feeling fear and numbing your fear with actions like endless scrolling on your phone, excessive video games, or binge eating Oreos. The priority list forwards the things that MATTER, rather than forwarding EVERYTHING. When you listen for what these are, they are usually the things that are hard, versus what you “want” to do, or what is easier to do.
Obedience- “Obey-thy-essence”. When you’re listening to your intuition, it requires an obedience to who you are. Have you ever got an intuitive hit, but overrode it because you didn’t want to listen to what it had to say? We live in a free will society, so you never HAVE to obey your intuition, but when you don’t, there will be a cost. Continually overriding your intuition may result in sickness, disease, or other types of experiences. But I believe the universe is compassionate, and so whenever you’re ready to tune in to your intuition, it will be there for you. True happiness can only be felt when you are true to yourself, and you spend time doing the things that bring you happiness. Check out your calendar. Is it filled with activities that are in line with your values, or someone else’s values?
When you access your intuition, what does it say it’s time for? Send me a message , I’d love to cheer you on!
By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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Image Credit: Jon Tyson