Hypnotherapy For Home Organization

As someone who takes part in a lot of personal growth classes and inner work coaching, I have found the modality of hypnotherapy to be the quickest, easiest, and most efficient method for transforming my own life. It is something that I feel so passionate about that I have started a certification course so that I can add “hypnotherapy for home organization” to the services that I offer for my clients. If you want to learn more about hypnotherapy and why it’s so effective, keep reading.
Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that we all go into hundreds of times a day. For example, when you do things reflexively like driving a car, but not remembering the exact things you did (like every time you use your blinker, tap the breaks, or check your blind spots) you are in a very light hypnotic state. Highway hypnosis is when you almost miss a turn because you are so focused on a specific thought. Hypnosis is defined many ways such as “focused consciousness”, “extreme relaxation”, or “guided meditation”. In hypnotherapy, the person experiencing it experiences a deep sense of relaxation with their attention focused inward, and the therapist makes suggestions or gives a set of instructions to their subconscious to move them closer to meeting their goals.
Think about your daily or weekly routines. When you routinely leave mail in a pile, don’t put away your laundry, or leave a pile of dishes in the sink every night, you are reinforcing to your subconscious that that is how you want your house to be. Hypnotherapy is a way to re-program patterns of behavior in your subconscious so that you can change your habits. Irrational thoughts and fears, phobias, negative thoughts, and suppressed emotions can be overcome through hypnotherapy.
Why Does It Work?
Hypnotherapy works because during sessions (or listening to recordings), your state of consciousness is altered. The analytical left-hand side of the brain is turned off, while the non-analytical right-hand side is made more alert. The conscious control of the mind is inhibited. The subconscious mind is deeper-seated, and it’s this part of the mind that has to change for behavior to change. If you’ve tried everything you can consciously think of to overcome disorganization, and nothing has changed, it’s because there is something about disorganization that is still a benefit to your subconscious. This prevents you from succeeding to become organized. Progress can be made by reprogramming your subconscious. Habits, feelings, beliefs, and emotions are stored in the subconscious mind. By getting in touch with the emotions that are causing your issue, you are on your way to permanent change! Think about your autonomic nervous system. When you get a cut, you don’t have to remind your body to heal. Breathing, responding to hunger cues, blood circulation, and the beating of your heart all just happen naturally. So can tidying up and keeping things organized. You can train your subconscious mind to make organizing one of your habitual processes.
Hypnotherapy Misconceptions
- When people get hypnotized, they may not necessarily feel hypnotized, and so they may not feel like it worked. If someone is 100% committed to the process (that they want to get organized), it will work. When people aren’t committed- for example if a loved one encouraged them to get hypnotherapy for their clutter problem, results won’t be as effective.
- Due to stage entertainment hypnosis and old movies, people may be concerned that they will lose control and do something embarrassing or give control of their mind to the hypnotherapist. The classic example is someone getting hypnotized to act like a chicken. I think it’s especially funny when people are afraid a their hypnotherapist will make them act like a chicken, because usually a hypnotherapist is actually de-programming someone from acting like a “chicken” (living life inhibited by fear). Although the hypnotic trance is very relaxing, the client is in control at all times and can bring themselves out of hypnosis at any time.
- Some people get nervous that they will reveal their deep dark secrets while undergoing hypnotherapy. It’s important to remember that the client is always in control and will only follow the instructions that are in alignment with their belief system. If there are things that a client doesn’t want others to know, they won’t feel compelled to share them.
Hypnotherapy Uses
Hypnotherapy can be used for all sorts of things such as improving concentration, passing exams, having a baby, getting a new job, making more money, getting better sleep, increasing confidence, general self-esteem/self-worth, finding a romantic partner, losing weight, quitting smoking/other addictions, improving workout performance (I used it when I was training for my marathon), overcoming phobias, and so much more! Does the thought of getting hypnotized so that you can be more organized sound interesting to you? If so, let me know, and you’ll be the first to know once I start offering hypnotherapy sessions to my clients.
By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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