Hypnosis For Home Organization

Guest Blog Post By Lisa Shook, Hypnotherapist
Use hypnosis to create new habits and stay free of clutter, enjoy more free time, and even save relationships.
Have you hired Jean to help organize your home or office? I have, and you should hire her too. She is an amazing organizational coach. Jean provides tips on how to best stay organized and clutter free. But, sometimes it’s just not that easy to implement the new habits, and it might go something like this…
You had good intentions, you wanted an organized home, so you hired Jean, from Seattle Sparkle.
There you were. Feeling so good, and feeling such a big relief. Fresh smells and a fresh start! You got rid of excess stuff, donated items, threw out the garbage and eliminated clutter. You rid your home of unnecessary items, and you had such a sense of freedom.
But now, just a couple months have gone by and you notice you have some clutter piling up again. Paper, mail, and things piled up in the old place on the kitchen table where you used to set them, instead of using the mail holder the mail is supposed to be put in. The clothes in your closet not looking neatly folded and organized as when Jean left. It seemed so effortless to fold the way she taught you, but you didn’t do it consistently, and you found yourself shopping too much again.
What happened? You told yourself you were not going to mess it up. You told yourself you were going to be consistent in your clutter free way of living…. ughhh! Why are you back to your old ways?
Let me explain this, its not your fault so stop beating yourself up.
I am one of those people, maybe just like you that has had a colorful past. A lot to forgive and forget. With my baggage, I had a habit of overworking and paying more attention to my work than organizing my closet, and I had a shopping habit too. What helped me, and much faster than therapy was hypnosis. If you want to transform the desire to stay clutter free and and stop long term addictions to stress and hardships rooted in past losses and trauma, expand your self-worth, then listen up!
There are 3 parts of the brain I like to talk about when it comes to hypnosis:
*The Conscious Mind: The conscious mind is limited and can only handle about 6 or 7 bits of information at any given time. (this is why multi-tasking doesn’t work)
*The Subconscious Mind: The subconscious mind is unlimited and stores all of your memories, beliefs, and habits.
*The Unconscious Mind: This is the autonomic nervous system.
At every level of our mind there is a protective function and that is what makes changing habits by willpower alone very difficult. In hypnosis we gain access to the subconscious part of our mind, where we can basically remove erroneous beliefs and “old programming” that began when we were younger.
So, what is a habit? A habit is really a thought you keep thinking and take action on. Your thoughts create emotions and you then respond to emotions with actions. An action can even be a lack of action, doing nothing.
Another thing to remember is, our brains learn with repetition. When you have repetitive thoughts, the unconscious mind can take over creating the habit and putting it on autopilot to make your life easier. For example, You don’t have to think about where you put the mail or clothes. You have a habit and it is easy. Repeat daily, weekly, or whatever it is.
When you declutter your home, it can be an amazingly positive thing to do. The reason it may seem difficult to implement these new, positive habits, is because you may have certain beliefs stored at the subconscious level of your mind, relating to a particular way of doing things or where to put things. For example, if you grew up having a parent who was unorganized and piled papers or mail on the kitchen table, then subconsciously you could create a habit of doing the same exact thing in your home simply because you grew up seeing the table piled with mail and paperwork.
Deep emotional meaning can be attached to things in our home that make it hard to change, even when we don’t realize it consciously. Because we all live life from the conscious level of our mind. So, you see it’s not your fault that you struggle to make permanent changes.
If you have a home office, or if you work from home, be sure to create a special space for your work. Chose items to keep your work space clutter free. As a Hypnotist, Stressless Prosperity Coach, Reiki Master Teacher, and Business Owner, the space you chose to work in will have an effect on your bottom line. Declutter, feel better and increase your profit margin. Your confidence will increase and your work will flow in a more effortless way.
Making positive changes in our lives can be important for our health and happiness. Decluttering your home or office can create more free time, and improve relationships with loved ones and friends.
My name is Lisa Shook, I am a Certified 5-PATH® Hypnotist and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Teacher. Founder of Hypnosis at Kinetic Healing Connection. If you are struggling with unwanted thoughts or habits and you have tried to change on your own without success, this is a good time to get help from a professional hypnotist like me. I can help you create consistent healthy, helpful habits that allow you to live a life of freedom, purpose and joy. Visit my website and fill out the contact form for a free consultation. www.lisashooknwcoach.com
Ready to get organized? Work with me, Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
Download my free 5 week journal The Seattle Sparkle Method to Get Organized and Stay Organized
Sign up for my free 4 Day Color to Declutter Challenge.
Become part of a like-minded community by joining my Facebook Group, Declutter and Organize with Seattle Sparkle.
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For artwork to energize your home, order through jeanprominski.com or on Etsy.