Harness This Energy To Get Centered Within Yourself

By Jean Prominski
What a special time we are in right now. Anxiety levels are very high, all over the world. How are you expending your energy? Are you glued to social media and the news, stockpiling toilet paper and in a state of panic, not able to put your phone down? Are you able to find a state of calm, within yourself? How are you harnessing this very strong forcefield of energy?
With many people out of work (with or without paid days off), fears of getting sick, getting someone else sick, or fending off illness yourself, and watching the stock market, this has sent the majority of our planet into a heightened state of hyper vigilance, for good reason.
While I acknowledge that it is good to stay informed, I also know that fear is highly addictive. There is something about the adrenaline rush created by the media, that can keep us hooked, anesthetized, collecting seemingly valid excuses for not getting anything else done. The griping nature can provide an attachment so powerful, that it’s almost impossible to look away. It’s like a dog with a bone, a terrier on a scent, an infatuation to win the love of someone you know will never be able to return your desire. In Karla McLaren’s book, The Language of Emotions, in her chapter on anger, she says, “Resentment is the strongest attachment. It’s stronger that love and stronger than blood.” Love, fear, desire, infatuation, hate and resentment are all healthy and normal emotions that we all have. At this intense time in our world, everyone’s emotions are on overdrive. Which emotion is coming to the surface for you, as something that is finally ready to feel, process, and let go of, rather than stuff it back in the drawer, to repress for later?
Use this super charged time to process the emotions that are asking to be processed. Harness that POWER into something creative and productive.
HOW do you do this? RAISE YOUR VIBRATION (ie, boost your immune system!) The more you support your body in the way that it needs to be supported, the easier it will be to process your emotions in a way where you will be able to manage them and express them without becoming emotionally reactive or feeling out of control. Since boosting your immune system is already on your to-do list, this should be easy, right?
I have Health Coaching Certifications through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and through the Health Coach Institute. I decided to weave coaching into my organizing practice when I started my business back in 2015. I knew that creating an organized home requires habit change, and that is exactly what I learned in coaching school. These programs are truly fabulous, and were well worth the investment. While many people know what they “should” do and think it “should” be easy. The reality is, if you’ve lived a lifetime of making choices that were in someone else’s best interest (your kids, your significant other, your younger self), it can be helpful to work with a coach to support you as you nudge your awareness to tune back into your own body, to get centered within your adult self.
We all know the list of healthy actions:
-Eat more veggies
-Drink more water
-Get adequate sleep
-Reduce sugar, alcohol and caffeine
-Support digestion
-and I’ll add “wash your hands!”, since apparently not everyone had received that memo.
But knowing this list can be totally overwhelming.
My number one tip is to just PICK ONE to master (or get reasonably passable with) instead of trying to do all of these things all at once. Once you’ve mastered one, add another, and once they’ve both stabilized, add another healthy habit.
Sounds simple, right? If you have been out of alignment for a long time, your subconscious will start to get VERY GRUMPY when it senses change, and will do EVERYTHING in it’s power to keep you doing the same habits you’ve been doing. Just watch… it will create a host of “valid excuses” so that you can break commitments to yourself.
In my coaching program, I’ve designed it in a way to address the objections of the subconscious. I’ve built in experiential exercises to help retrain your brain so that it feels safe making these changes. And it really works! My clients have achieved amazing results! They have written books, moved out of the country, started their own businesses, navigated divorce, ORGANIZED THEIR HOMES, and a whole slew of other positive results. I offer my coaching either over-the-phone, or in person (when partnered with an organizing appointment). The coaching packages are either 4 or 12 sessions. I also offer a one hour introductory coaching call with me for $99. Read about my coaching programs here.
To learn more, or to schedule, please contact my assistant, Erica Rodgers, at 206-584-6762, email powerhouse@seattlesparkle.com, or fill out this form.
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