Getting A Fresh Start

Ah, the start of the new school year. Whether or not you’ve got kiddos in school, or you’re in school yourself, September is a great time to get a fresh start on something you’ve been working on. For some people, getting a fresh start is easy. But for others, it may take more effort. Sometimes, the right plan of attack is to address the issue head on. For others, movement on one plane can help free up movement somewhere else. This concept is one of my very favorite lessons I’ve learned in life so far. If you’re a “rebel” (according to Gretchen Rubin’s description in her book, The Four Tendencies), knowing how to do this is the magic mojo you’ll need to accomplish your goals. In this post, I’ll give you some conventional and unconventional ways to grab ahold of some of that September “fresh start” energy that many people are riding on right now.
- A very simple way to get the feeling of a fresh start is to take the trash and recycling out. Make sure to dump all the trashcans in the house. Look for trash that hasn’t made it to the can yet. Take it all outside to where your outdoor trash cans or dumpster is. Once you’ve emptied all the indoor cans, spray them down with an all-purpose cleanser and wipe them clean.
- Declutter! Where are some areas of your home that you feel like are stagnant, that need revitalization, and need some new life breathed into them? Is it your clothes? Your desk? Your fridge? Make a list of all the areas of your home and notice which areas are calling out to you. You can also take photos of the areas to get a new perspective on which areas are calling for attention.
- After you’ve decluttered, pick some areas of your home to deep clean. Is this the time to shampoo the carpets? Clean the oven? Clear the vents? Clear the gutters? Wipe the windows down? Mop the floors? Clear the cobwebs? What areas need repairs? Any one of these tasks will certainly help your home feel revitalized.
- Consider hiring a personal stylist. Having someone who can help you edit your wardrobe and add some new, flattering, and updated looks will help you feel younger, spunkier, and motivated to set some new goals for yourself. Step out of your comfort zone with some bright colors, bold patterns, or new accessories, even if you’re still going to wear your yoga pants!
- Start an exercise routine. Whether you’re doing at-home workout videos, online yoga programs, going on outdoor bike rides, walking with friends, or joining a gym, by getting your body moving, you will be creating more movement in other places in your life. Do you need more flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, or all of the above? By working your body, you’ll be creating more mental flexibility, balance, strength and endurance as well.
- Create a vision board for some new things you want to bring in to your life. You don’t need to know when they’ll happen, but just by grouping together some photos and looking at them on a regular basis, you’ll be sending a note to the universe about your desires. A very easy way to do this is to collect some images on your phone, and organize them together in their own album. I have an iPhone and have created a slideshow with my vision board through the album function. You can even set it to the music of your choice! By pairing the visual images with pleasurable sound, you’ll be increasing your mind’s ability to make your dreams happen. Want to super charge your manifesting ability?! Try tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique, aka “EFT”) at the same time. Tapping will help you clear any subconscious blocks that are in your way of achieving your dreams.
- Start on a new project, or finish an old one. Clutter has many definitions, but “unfinished projects” and “unsorted memories” are two of the most common afflictions that create clutter. If you’re not going to finish something, be honest with yourself, ditch it, and move on. Or if it’s something you’re still passionate about, give yourself a little kick, and get ‘er done! Ask for help when you need it. Once your project space is clear, start on a new project, give yourself a deadline, and get it done!
- Redecorate your home. Replace your old mattress, update your furniture, repaint a room, or consider hiring an interior designer or contractor to help you up level the look of your home. You could also choose some new bedding fabrics, hang photos, or display some new artwork. Even a vase of freshly cut flowers will infuse the space with that “fresh start” energy you’ve been craving.
- Learn something new. Sign up for a class you’ve been wanting to take, read a book, watch a documentary, or teach yourself a new skill. One of the things I love about being a Certified Professional Organizer is that I’m required to do continuing education classes. I am constantly learning new things in the field of organizing, coaching, ADHD, and Feng Shui, but I also just love to learn! I’m currently learning two different types of drums (the Ashiko/Djembe and the Kette), plus I’m in another professional network which requires additional continuing educational units on more broad topics.
- Invest in self-care. Schedule an appointment with a naturopathic or osteopathic body worker, Functional Medicine doctor, acupuncturist, float tank session, massage, therapy, or any other modality you’ve been wanting to try or know works for you. You could also keep it simple and take a bath at home, paint your nails, or take time out for meditation.
- Clean up your cosmetics. I’m a huge fan of Beautycounter’s products because they are made with the cleanest ingredients possible. My skin is very sensitive, and Beautycounter’s facial cleanser and moisturizer are the only ones that I’ve found are compatible with my skin. Starting and finishing your day with a good quality facial regimen is definitely a great way to feel fresh. Interested in trying some? You can order through my Beautycounter site here.
- Get more sleep! If you’re feeling like you’re constantly behind, late, overburdened, stressed, and just cannot get on top of your to-do list, it may be because you aren’t getting enough quality sleep. Get an Oura ring to help track your sleep so you can see how much sleep you’re actually getting versus thinking you’re getting. The app will show you how much REM and deep sleep you’ve gotten, and you’ll be able to notice trends that will affect the quality of your sleep.
What is something you’ve done that’s helped you feel like you’ve been able to get a fresh start?
Please let us know in the comments!
By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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For artwork to energize your home, order through or on Etsy.