Energy Emitting Objects

I recently received an email from one of my dear clients who also purchased one of my cut paper snowflake artworks. I asked her if I could share her email to inspire others. Here’s what she wrote:
Hi Jean-
I have been thinking of you and hope you are enjoying these first few days of Summer.
I have your snowflake hanging in the kitchen right now and it keeps me inspired to manage the space and keep it clean. Once I tackle the kitchen and it is more under control I will move the snowflake to the next area of the house for motivation.
Your energy and your kind intentions flow from your art!
I hope you enjoy the Summer months and that tons of good things come your way.
You are a light in this world.
I have been working on making art pieces that are charged with intentions to help people declutter, and to bring peace and balance into a space so that it can be organized. She was the first person to tell me that it’s working!! Her email made me so happy! Energy is emitted from all the objects (and people, plants and animals) in your home. For this post, I invite you to look around your house and notice what kind of energy is being emitted from everything. Here are some places to look:
What are you using to decorate? Do you still like it? Or is it just still there by default? Surrounding yourself with outdated decorations, or ones you don’t like anymore, is the opposite of what decorations are supposed to do. Decorations are there to inspire you, to welcome others into your home, to set a mood, and to make you happy. Are your decorations dulling your energy, or worse- making you agitated? If so, ditch them! Give them away or throw them away, and replace them with items you prefer. If you don’t know where to look for better decorations, check out Etsy or a local art gallery to support an independent artist. You could also make your own decorations. If you need some ideas or instructions, check out Creativebug, a website with great tutorials on how to make lots of different things. Even something as simple as changing the pillowcases on your decorative pillows will make a huge difference.
Do you have plants in your home? How are they looking? Do they need to be trimmed or repotted? Do you have so many that you need to give away a few to neighbors? Use Buy Nothing or simply put on your front steps with a “free” sign. Is your home devoid of plants, and you want to get some? Take some photos of places where you think plants could go, and take a trip to your local nursery. The people working there will be able to help you pick out a plant that will fit well in the space (some plants grow straight upwards, some like to grow outwards, and some like to hang). You’ll also want to be able to communicate what type of light you’ll have available to the plants. Some plants grow quickly, and some grow slowly, so you’ll also want to take that into consideration too.
If you’ve got a box of photos from an ex-husband/boyfriend or ex-wife/girlfriend, I can probably find them in your home by feel. Old photos emit an AMAZING amount of energy!! Even if they’re not on display, photos pack a major punch. Since they don’t take up a ton of space, many people will put off going through their photos because it seems like so much work. It’s a tedious process, and often won’t give you that much physical space back for the time it takes to go through them. But let me tell you- going through your photos will change your life!! It will help you process grief, let go of grudges, and let go of the past. It will give you the freedom to live your life in the present and will make room for new and great things to come into your future.
Similar to photos, paperwork can feel totally grueling, tedious, and takes a lot of mental energy to make decisions about what to keep and what to let go of. Paper gets dusty, and so if you have a lot of old paperwork, you may have a major allergen in your house without you noticing it. Energetically, paperwork can act like a big bully, constantly teasing you about all the stuff you need to do or the money you don’t have. Be real with yourself when you’re going through paper. A lot of people hoard paper because they think they’ll need the information again, or they think they want to “do something” with all they’ve accumulated. I have helped so many clients get rid of hundreds of pounds of paper clutter. Everyone tells me what a weight off their backs it is to let it all go. When you can let go of your old paper, you will be making the space for more knowledge and resources to flow into your life.
Sentimentally Charged Objects
Are you keeping around a lot of old figurines from your grandparents, furniture that has been in your family for centuries, or travel memorabilia from trips you can’t even remember anymore? If you’re keeping something that feels more like a burden than a joy, let it go. I promise you, your dead ancestors will understand! And if you have living relatives that guilt you when you give something away that they gave you, that’s an indicator for you to work on your energetic boundaries. Through all of my years of learning Reiki and other energetic modalities, I have a huge range of techniques for separating your energy from not only other people, but also your own stuff. If you know you want to get rid of something, but feel so entangled with it that you can’t bear to let it go, I can help you!
Consciously Choose Functional Items
Once you’ve cleared out any items that are emitting any sort of drab or negative energy, you’ll want to fill in the space with items that flow positive energy. Even though an item may not be functional such as a drinking glass, a broom, or a chair, decorative items serve a function to flow positive energy into a space. What kind of positive energy do you want to choose? Happy? Simple? Balanced? Intricate? Serene? Colorful? Choose something that you feel excited about, not something you feel apathetic towards or don’t even like. It matters!
What kinds of objects do you have that fill your home with joy?? I’d love to hear about them!
By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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For artwork to energize your home, order through or on Etsy.