Connecting Your Head and Your Heart

One of the biggest questions people have when they are decluttering is, “what if I need this thing again?” Since it’s impossible to predict the future, there’s no way of knowing for sure if you’ll need something again. The best way to determine if you’ll need something is by using your intuition. In this post, I’ll talk about some easy things you can do to help you tune in to your intuition so that you can declutter and organize your home with clarity and confidence.
When people get into survival mode or are constantly busy with urgent and important tasks, it’s easy to de-prioritize the things in life that help you connect with your intuition. I think of these activities as ways to connect your head and your heart so that you can make more accurate decisions. When you’re faced with issues like moving homes, dealing with grief, dealing with someone else’s stuff once they’ve passed away, raising kids, have a demanding job, or anything else that requires your full attention (and more), it’s easy to let these heart centered activities fall by the wayside. The key to living a productive and efficient life is to stay connected to your intuition. Do “adulting” (working to pay the bills, cleaning up after yourself, feeding yourself healthy food etc.) while also doing the things that make your heart sing. I know it can be hard to make time to do these things, but trust me, your life will be SO MUCH more efficient if you can make time for these important (but not URGENT) tasks.
- Visual Arts
Whether or not you consider yourself to be an artist, if you have fun doing visual art, make a point to keep doing it. Do you like painting, crafting, sketching, photography, embroidery, quilting, scrapbooking, cardmaking, woodworking, glassblowing, ceramics, jewelry making, or anything else that falls into the visual arts category? Keep doing it! If you don’t have the space in your home (even just a small corner might be all you need), you can rent studio space or even just take classes to keep your hands and mind active. Play and have fun with it. Do lots of experiments… don’t worry about making some final masterpiece. Even just painting brushstrokes on a piece of paper can be a great way to activate your intuition.
- Play An Instrument or Sing
Do you aspire to learn a new instrument or are you an experienced musician? I had wanted to learn how to play the African drum for over 20 years before I finally enrolled in lessons. It’s never too late! Does singing in the shower light you up? Using your vocal chords is a way to tune your body in a healing sort of way. Try it, and notice how much better you feel, even if you’re just humming intuitively.
- Dance or Act
Get your body moving, or practice getting into different characters as a way to change your perspective and get out of your head. Be silly, and be willing to laugh at yourself. Although I haven’t gone to Zumba classes in years, I used to LOVE watching myself mess up in the mirror. It was a great way for me to lighten up and not take myself too seriously.
- Spend Time With Friends
Prioritize friendships that fill you up and inspire you to be a better person. I love surrounding myself with really smart and driven people who make me smile. I just had the pleasure of seeing a good friend from grad school who was in town from Santiago, Chile. We walked all over Ballard, went shopping, got hot chocolate, had dinner, and talked for hours. She is seriously one of the kindest, most adventurous, driven people I know. After grad school, she spent a year living with the Maasai tribe in Kenya, has traveled the Amazon extensively, and now owns land on a remote island in the southern part of Chile. It was so nice to see her and catch up!
- Read or Listen to Audible
Consume content that makes you feel inspired and makes you tick, although be careful with your ratio of consumption vs. creation. Reading can be a great way to expand your mind and heart, but if all you ever do is consume information, you won’t feel balanced. Make sure to either write, teach, make art, or somehow allow yourself to create something either directly or indirectly from what you consume. This goes for consuming information at museums and listening to music too.
- Writing
Get creative and your ideas out on paper. Or start a blog! Do you love old-fashioned correspondence? Break out your fancy stationary and write some notes to friends or loved ones about how much they mean to you.
- Home cooking/ Baking
Is the kitchen where your creativity and connection come alive? Whether you like making up your own recipes or following recipes, if you love to cook, make a point to get into the kitchen on a regular basis so that you can let your creative juices flow!
- Meditation
Meditation is a wonderful way to get your head and your heart connected because it soothes the nervous system so you can actually hear your intuition. If you want to supercharge your ability to connect your head and heart through meditation, get four carnelian stones, and lie down. Hold one in each hand, put one on your forehead, and one on your sacral chakra (your lower abdomen). Hold these stones as you do your meditation and feel how different your energy feels.
What do you like to do to help you connect your head and heart together? Let me know in the comments!
By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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