Client Spotlight: Organized Toys on Display!

I'm thrilled to get to show off my client's recent organizing accomplishments! He is a long time toy collector, and has always wanted his own home so that he could show off his collection. In his collection are lots of Star Wars, Marvel characters, Legos, and lots more! It’s been so much fun hearing about the comic conventions he’s attended. We have been working together for a couple years, and all of the organizing work he's done so far in his new house has all been through virtual organizing sessions. We have been meeting about once a week for one hour sessions. During the sessions, we talk about what’s been going on, he fills me in on the homework he’s accomplished, and then we work together to organize an area. We usually do some brainstorming together on the best way to solve an organizational issue. My client has so many great ideas about what he wants to do, and has clearly been able to follow through on so many of his projects! On my end, I have a computer document to help him track what projects are current priorities, and which ones can get put into a “future projects” list. For ambitious and creative people like many of my clients, it can be hard to know what to prioritize and which projects can consciously be put on the back burner. For many of us, it’s easy to feel like everything all needs to happen at once. Through our regular accountability sessions, I help my clients focus on what’s most important to them.

Creative people are often conflicted with how to balance their time between:
- creating their work (making drawings/sculptures/paintings, assembling models/figures, creating displays, hand printing over 200 holiday cards, etc…)
- putting supplies away when they’re finished (what is the real definition of “finished” anyway??)
- looking for inspiration (watching movies/ going for walks/reading books, etc…)
- gathering supplies (shopping online or at stores, harvesting found materials, etc…)
- conversing with other like-minded people to exchange ideas and propel thought
- finding venues to display their finished work (at home, at galleries, or in the homes of other collectors)

Not only do they have to do all of that, but they’ve also got to do all the self-care everyday stuff that normal adulting life consists of:
-basic hygiene
-household errands
-other household chores
-working (possibly)
-probably lots more!

Balance can be really hard! Organizing sessions (whether they be virtual or in-person) are a way to RE-balance your home and your to-do list. I love getting to see my clients accomplish their dreams through the work we do together! I am so proud of all the work my client has done! It’s so rewarding to get to see photos like this. If you’ve liked this post, please send my client some virtual high-fives!
By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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