Calling In Non-Physical Help

In this post, I wanted to talk about some of the non-physical help you can call in when you’re decluttering and organizing your space. No matter if you’re in the decluttering stage, organizing stage, space clearing, enhancing the Feng Shui of your space, or simply just doing a daily maintenance clean, you can always call in non-physical help to assist you with the process. I grew up in a Catholic family. Although my mother’s mom was Baptist and her father was Jewish, my mom went to Catholic school. Both of my dad’s parents were very strong Catholics, so I had a very heavy Catholic upbringing. We went to Holy Trinity in Washington, DC, and I remember walking up and down the Exorcist stairs during CCD outings. The [very scary!] movie had been filmed in the area in 1973, and so the memory of the classic scene was still pretty vivid during the 80s and 90s when I was a kid. Although I’m not a practicing Catholic, the combination of going to church right by the Exorcist stairs and Antoni Gaudi’s “La Sagrada Familia” have been very influential on my career as a Home Organizer. If you’ve never been to La Sagrada Familia, I highly suggest making a trip there to see it when we can start traveling to Europe again! La Sagrada Familia is THE MOST gorgeous pieces of architecture I have ever been in. The photos don’t do it justice. It’s a Catholic cathedral in Barcelona, Spain that was designed by the famous Catalan architect, Antoni Gaudi. Construction began over 100 years ago (check out this Wikipedia article to learn more about the specifics) and is now ALMOST complete! I have visited it several times over the years (approximately 2007, 2010, and 2013) so got to watch it evolve. There is no doubt Gaudi welcomed assistance from his non physical helpers because this monument is so incredibly unique. Visiting it really inspired me to learn more about heavenly vaulting. I firmly believe that architecture can have a healing effect on its inhabitants. Studying heavenly vaulting is what lead me to create a ton of artwork spanning from projecting patterned glass onto the ceiling as well as all the designs in Color to Declutter and the cut paper work that came after I created the book.
How to call in non-physical help? Everyone has one MAIN spirit guide. This is the guide you want all other information to get filtered through. It’s extremely important to be able to identify your main spirit guide so messages can come to that will serve your higher self. There is lots of non-physical “help” out there, and not all of it will be the kind of help you’re wanting. So be sure to have a good clear relationship with your main spirit guide so that the communication is what’s truly best for you. Over the years my guide has introduced me to other helpers such as sprites, guardians, Egyptian gods such as Isis and Osiris, angels (Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel and Michael), and a few other specialists and Ascended Masters that I like to call upon. There are some animals in spirit that I like to call upon too- particularly a black panther. I also will use Reiki energy. And then as a true lover of reggae and Rastafari music, I call in the Trinity: Haile Selassie I, Jah Rastafari.
Universal wisdom can be broad. You can simply call in “God” or “the Universe”. Depending on your religious beliefs, you may have specific saints or gods that you like to call in. Many of them may also be considered Ascended Masters (like Jesus and the Buddha). If you are religious, you may want to weave the rules of your religion in with other guidance you feel compelled to work with, or you may want to follow the rules of your religion.
When you notice new non-physical help coming in, make sure you ask to see the light. You may be able to visualize a light, but the information of the light may come through other ways such as through scent, feelings, taste, sound, or some other way. If you DON’T [see] the light, this is not someone who has your best interest in mind. More self-serving, opportunistic, or sinister energies may be trying to lend a hand. Third party items such as Tarot Cards, pendulums, Magic 8 Balls, and Ouija Boards can OFTEN be attached to “Auracles”. Auracles will tell you what you want to hear so that they can build your trust, and then they’ll have you start working for them to fulfill their agendas. On that note, there are two “Jesuses”. There is one that will tell you what to do, who uses shame, guilt, and fear to keep you in line (working for him). But the other Jesus, the true Ascended Master, is pure white light, and will never tell you what to do.
How to call help:
Help can be called in at ANY time, anywhere, as much as you want. You don’t have to do anything except ask for help (and then filter it through your main spirit guide). Personally, I like to imagine myself in a white light bubble, connected to both source and earth energy, and to clear my space with Reiki before calling in guidance. You may want to express gratitude, say a prayer, or do another type of ritual. Sometimes I’ll also do another type of space clearing such as using incense, bells, rattles, a tuning fork, or my drum. Sometimes I’ll also use particular crystals to clear a space so that I can call in assistance. When I’m calling in help (when doing home organizing related activities), there are 3 main things I want help with. The first is to purify the space, to clear out any energy that is no longer needed. The second is to assist me with being efficient with my time, to enhance my intuitive knowing of what to keep/ let go of, and to know which order to do things in. (Please note that I said “enhance my intuitive knowing” rather than the guide telling me what to do). The third is to fill the space in with high vibration energy. There are other nuanced reasons why I’d call in specific help for other jobs not mentioned, but that’s way too much information to be covered in a blog post.
Specifically for Catholics, I checked with another Professional Organizer who is a practicing Catholic and asked if there is a patron saint of home organizing. She let me know that St. Zita is the patron of domestic help, St. Benedict is helpful for finding everything’s proper place and ruling out the extras. St. Francis of Assisi was the “original” minimalist. She also recommended using the Epiphany blessing to bless the house.
What is the most inspiring architecture you’ve ever been in? Do you believe that architecture can have a healing effect on the people in the space? How can you allow your home to echo some of the features from the architecture you find so inspiring? You may want to hang photos of the interior of the architecture in your home. You could also use some of the same colors, patterns, textures, or materials from that space. I have a photo of La Sagrada Familia that I look at last thing at night and first thing in the morning. I have another photo of La Sagrada Familia that I can see when I walk into my home and while I’m cooking. (The actual photos that I look at are the ones that I posted above). Strategically place your visual cues so that you can create a link between your home and that space you find so inspirational. Look at these on a regular basis to create a consistent reminder of that space.
When you’re in alignment with the light within yourself, people get attracted to that, and good things happen. When doing this type of work, remember to stay present and grounded. Check often to make sure your energy is centered. The more present and clear you can be with the senses you’re feeling in your body, the quicker you will notice shifts in your energy field. You’ll be able to quickly identify your internal “yes and no”, as well as what you still want in your life rather than what you don’t want anymore. These decisions become very hard to make when we get stuck in our minds, or look to our minds to answer these questions. The more you can train your awareness to tune into the senses in your body, the quicker you’ll be able to filter out anything that keeps you from experiencing joy at any given moment.
What’s the most inspiring architecture you’ve ever been in? Send me a message, I’d love to hear about it!
By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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