ADHD Bootcamp Organizing Class

My ADHD Bootcamp Organizing class is coming up in April, and I wanted to use this post to talk about what the class will be about. When I think of the word “bootcamp”, I think of a guy in an army uniform with a whistle yelling at people to “do more, try harder, do better”. I find the graphic I chose to advertise the class absolutely hilarious. Hope you get my humor! That is NOT what this class is about. In my ADHD Bootcamp Organizing class, I will teach several of the out-of-the-box methods that I use to get my goals accomplished. One thing I know about people with ADHD is that they often think they need to just “try harder”. They see neurotypical peers who are able to easily get organized and complete their to-do list, and so they think they just need to be “more disciplined”. While discipline is definitely an important component, it’s not THE MOST important.
The most important thing to do is to learn how to be attuned to yourself. It’s very common for people with ADHD to be overly attuned to others, whether it be in the form of people pleasing, anxiety about what others think, or the chronic desire to win over the attention of someone who they deem is important in their life. If you have ADHD, it’s very likely that you also have a disorganized home. I help a lot of people with ADHD, and I have ADHD myself. I have a strong interest in organizing, and that’s how I’m able to transfer my ADHD friendly organizing skills to my clients.
If you’re someone that struggles with ADHD, I also highly recommend working with another trusted health professional like a naturopath or functional medicine doctor that can help you get to the root of your issue. People with ADHD are also often Highly Sensitive People (HSP). HSPs can get easily dysregulated through sounds, temperatures, and scents in their environment. They are also more prone to environmental toxins such as dust and mold. And it should go without saying, people with ADHD are usually MUCH more sensitive to the foods and drinks they put in their body. But the problem is, people with ADHD often have trouble with impulsiveness and emotional regulation, so food modifications can be extra difficult. Rebellion can be intense when dietary changes are recommended since so much of the foods that can cause ADHD to be worse are such a part of the societal norm. When healthy coping skills aren’t in place, people often try to self-soothe with food, yet a lot of that food can greatly exacerbate emotional turmoil and distractibility.
This is where self-attunement comes in. When you are authentically attuned to yourself, it becomes much easier to hear your body’s cues when it’s asking for certain foods, or when it says “no” to foods, environmental toxins, or whatever else it’s kindly rejecting. I’ll teach you how to level up your home organization systems so that you can have a more organized home. I will also teach you self-regulating skills so that you can co-regulate with your house. I’ll teach you micro habits that will have major results. I’ll help you pump the breaks on your time consuming addictions that are preventing you from having an organized home.
The class will be interactive. It requires full on class time participation. You can have your video off if you prefer more privacy, but I do require that you be at home (or wherever you have an organizing project to work on) because a major component of the class is to actually organize a section of your home. If you’re ready to have fun learning some unconventional tips to get your house in order, please sign up for my class!
Time: 4pm-5:15pm Pacific Time
Dates: Thursdays, April 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th 2022
Fee: $200
Students will meet once a week for four weeks over Zoom. The class size is limited to 8 participants. This will be an interactive class.
By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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