Want to Get Organized? Start With Your Health

A personal interview between Naturopathic Doctor Jenna Rayachoti and your one and only Erica Rodgers of Seattle Sparkle
By Erica Rodgers
Your picture of health, like many, may look like this: drinking plenty of water, eating healthy foods for your body, enjoying the little things in life, running (or walking or playing tennis or going to the beach), staying calm in the turbulences of life, feeling connected with your friends (or family, pets, children, co-workers, spiritual side), and having your home (schedule, work office, papers, anything) organized in a way that makes you feel at peace wherever you are.
Do you see what I did there? I placed organizing last because many, many times you must do all the previously mentioned FIRST. Organizing takes loads of energy, mental power, and a fresh spirit. Taking care of your body and mind is an integral part of your organizing journey.
Dr. Jenna Rayachoti and I took the time to talk about how people do not always have to live with the health issues that are plaguing their lives. She works with families and individuals for a wide range of concerns. Her personal journey with her own health issues have tremendously shaped the way she practices. For instance, she is dedicated to providing individualized and comprehensive care for women in the postpartum period after experiencing the minimal support given to women during this time. A pamphlet for postpartum health concerns isn’t enough. I think collectively we can all agree that, yes, that is a thing and not a good thing at all.
Graduating from Bastyr University, which I mentioned to her was beautiful, Dr. Jenna said that her self-care is getting out and into nature. I can attest that spending time at the beautiful beaches of Camano Island can do wonders for my mood. Your mood can play a huge role in your digestive health which Dr. Jenna also focuses on. Check out her blog Tired, Bloated and Hangry: A Quick Guide To Gut & Brain Health
A big question I proposed to her was: how does someone know when they should come and see you? Many people just are living their lives with constant heartburn, tummy troubles on the daily or headaches that happen just too often. But what do they do? They just keep on chugging along. I am guilty of this as well. I chalk it up to something that really doesn’t have much clout. Or even the ever so traditional fable of “Oh, this is just who I am”. Dr. Jenna states, “People can live optimally, freely in the way they want to by identifying some of the root causes. It’s not going to be a quick fix, it needs time and effort. I am dedicated to patients on their healing journey.” Let me tell you, that statement hit me hard. It is not like I haven’t heard it from friends who have visited a doctor who listens and takes the time to really look at the details AND the big picture of an individual’s health, but hearing it from a doctor is something else. I have been to enough doctors for about 10 people and just as a mother always knows when their children are lying, I can tell when a doctor is giving me the “heave-ho” answer. I can attest that no, she is not “heave-ing” or “ho-ing”.
Not only can you see Dr. Jenna about how to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed to feel good enough to feel fully expressed, but also to learn more about how to make your environment healthy. She wrote an awesome blog about air purification.
I also asked her what are some things that are often harmful to the home. Her immediate response was “Glade Plugins”. In which I gave a side glance to my own. She also mentioned, be sure to change out sheets on a regular basis, and some cleaning products or other products that may have parabens, phthalates, and some plastics, which can have an impact on your health, especially your endocrine system.
During an appointment, you can know you have 75 minutes of one on one time with her. She usually starts with the main complaint and then asks about what was going on in your life when this started. She dives into the entire background and being curious about your own birth all the way through adulthood (or childhood if they are children still). Family history, medications, supplements, physical exam, environments, exposures, diet recall and so much more data that gives a comprehensive look into your life. Dr. Jenna converses with you about her findings, thoughts and further testing decisions. Just as there are differences in people, there are differences in a health plan. Some health services Dr. Jenna offers at her clinic are IV Therapy and B12 Injections. I have worked for a naturopathic doctor before, but I needed a bit of a refresh for these two services. I learned that IV therapies can be quite beneficial for chronic illnesses because many times vitamins are lost due to the chronicity of the disease. The vitamins go right into the bloodstream and the duration or repeat of IV’s totally varies, but typically needs a few sessions to build up stores of the vitamin that is depleted. The B12 injections seem to be very helpful because B12 is used in every one of our cells. Or we may have had a surgery, such as gastric bypass or color resection that doesn’t allow for the nutrient to be absorbed optimally. B12 injections bypass the digestive system and go straight into our bodies. Also, to be noted, it is usually less painful than a vaccine. I can agree with that. I have had more shots in my butt, arm, and stomach and the B12 shot I had a few times was the least painful. No matter what your treatment plan is Dr. Jenna made it clear to me that yes, what you will be talking about is tough (your pain and trauma), but she tries to bring lightness and humor back into our lives not only to get rid of the overbearing stigma around the darkness of doctor appointments but to show that in any situation laughter is good for the soul.
What I learned from this chat is that health sometimes comes before organization. Although, a big part of getting on the track of vitality is moving your body and bringing yourself happiness in ways that you love. For some, that means organizing. For others, it may look like turning yourself into a doctor that will listen for longer than 10 minutes and getting healthy hand in hand with your chosen health provider. THEN, feeling ready to tackle organization.
Dr. Jenna, is an authentic person who not only has lived through health issues that interrupted her life but she has the information, time and desire to help others through their health journey and bring people back to themselves, or maybe even to discover who they are.
“It is a two-way street and I am honored to be a part of their journey” – Dr. Jenna
Are you telling yourself that the ever so traditional fable of “Oh, this is just who I am” is your reality? No need to divulge your personal health status, but “like” this post on our Facebook group Declutter and Organize with Seattle Sparkle so we can all know we are not alone.
Jenna Rayachoti’s office is located at Roots for Health
7621 Aurora Ave N. #A
Seattle, WA 98103
You can schedule your appointment online here, and be sure to follow her on Instagram @dr_jenna.
By Erica Rodgers
Digital Organizer, Virtual Assistant, Motivational Coach