Virtual Organizing Sessions Now Available!

When the stay-at-home order went into effect, for good reason, everyone started offering their services virtually. Although I do most of my coaching with clients over the phone, I wanted to take a pause before really offering virtual organizing sessions. For years I’ve heard about how wonderful Sheila Delson’s Virtual Organizing Class is, yet I had kind of brushed it off thinking that since I knew how to organize, and knew how to coach, didn’t 1+1=2? I’ve helped countless clients organize their belongings in person, yet in the back of my mind, I knew that there was not a direct translation to the virtual platform.
I had looked at Sheila’s website several times when the stay-at-home order was starting to go into effect. I called one of my colleagues, Lauren Williams, to see what she was doing. Lauren has incredible ethical standards, and I knew she hadn’t taken the class yet. We saw Sheila wasn’t offering the course for another month or two, and even then, it would be another 6 weeks until the course ended. About an hour later, Lauren called me back, saying she had talked to Sheila, and she was putting together a condensed course (twice a week vs. once a week like it normally is). At that point I was still kind of hemming and hawing, wondering if I’d really learn anything new. I decided to call Sheila myself.
What a wonderful decision that was! Sheila has been organizing professionally since 1994 and is one of the pioneers in our industry. She co-founded the Institute for Challenging Disorganization in 2001, and has been helping people organize virtually since 2004. Needless to say, she knows her stuff! And she’s busy. And she lives in Florida. But she put a class together for nine of us (mostly all on the West Coast, since that’s the part of the country that got shut down first). She announced the time: 9am-11am EST. As I did the calculations in my head, I realized that meant 6am PST. Ok! Whatever it takes. As 6am rolled around, I was happy as a clam to be on Zoom, ready for class!
Here are SOME of the Benefits of Virtual Organizing. It:
- provides additional means for getting help
- allows for a “safe” environment (this is especially important for clients who feel uncomfortable having a stranger come to their home.
- requires more heightened brain activity
- creates neuroplasticity brain development
- increases skill transfer
- improved long-term supportive habits
- shorter sessions = fewer scheduling conflicts
- shorter sessions also = more affordable than in-person organizing
I have already started working with clients virtually and the results have been dramatic. It’s really wonderful! If you’ve been stuck at home, trying to get organized but still need some support, I’d love to help!
Here’s how it works:
Sign up for an introductory 1-hour session on my website under “Schedule Now”. This session is $100 for both new and existing clients. We will meet over Zoom.
If you decide you want to continue virtual organizing, I am offering packages of either 4 or 12 sessions. Repetition and consistency is important for the success of this work, so I like to schedule a series of appointments that are a week apart. We can do twice a week if necessary, but taking too long of a break between sessions can be unproductive. Organizing happens both over the phone and during mutually agreed upon homework assignments. These sessions offer support, accountability, recommendations, and a way to talk out solutions together. They are also really fun!!
I am currently running a promotion on my virtual organizing sessions.
Introductory session: $100 (one time only)
Package of 4: $500 ($125 per session)
Package of 12: $1200 ($100 per session)
If you’re ready to get organized and stay organized, sign up for a session now!