How Your Chinese Zodiac Animal Influences Your Organizing Style

One of the things I love about people is how different everyone is. I love noticing how everyone has their own strengths, values, and shortcomings. When I was studying Feng Shui several years ago, I got introduced to The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes, by Theodora Lau and Laura Lau. For this post, I’ve used the book to summarize all 12 of the Chinese Zodiac animals, along with their element variations. Since the Chinese New Year starts on a different day each year, it’s important for people who are born towards the end of January and early-mid February to consult a lunar calendar to see which animal they are born into. (The book also has an excellent chart). Learning to be self-reflective about your personality is one of the best ways to create compassion for yourself and others so that you can be the best version of yourself you can be. Consulting Chinese Astrology is one way to learn more about yourself. And of course, neurodivergence, life circumstances, and all kinds of other factors play a part in your personality. How does your sign influence how easy or hard it is for you to get organized? How about your loved ones? Read this post to learn more about yourself and your loved ones!
1: The Rat
The Rat personality can be very charming and clever. They are intelligent, inquisitive, and friendly. Resourceful, easy to get along with, and hardworking. Thrifty and efficient. Strong emotional attachments. Good memory and eye for detail. “…if you are planning on a big purge of your home, the Rat is the best ally to have around. The one problem may be that they will cart all your junk over to their home and try to find uses for it. They don’t call such people “pack rats” for nothing.”
Metal Rat- 1900, 1960, 2020
Characteristics: Idealistic, emotional, generous, outgoing. Can be jealous, angry, and possessive. Knows how to invest wisely. Not as sentimental as other Rats. They love to decorate their home and may have expensive taste.
Water Rat- 1912, 1972, 2032
Characteristics: Traditional and conservative. Able to influence others in areas that are important to them. Can be people pleasers to get what they want. They love education, books, and acquiring knowledge.
Wood Rat- 1924, 1984, 2044
Characteristics: Friendly and success oriented. They try to find a good use for things. Considerate of others and like to seek approval. They work hard because they love security, but tend to worry about the future.
Fire Rat- 1936, 1996, 2056
Characteristics: chivalrous, active, and generous. They love travel and fashion. Energetic and idealistic. They tend not to be disciplined. They love to follow their heart rather than their head. They are devoted to their family but need lots of room and attention. They are independent and competitive.
Wood Rat- 1948, 2008, 2068
Characteristics: They often mature early and love order, discipline, and security. They are often recognized for their talents. They can focus easily, and are achievement oriented. They have high material expectations. They don’t like to gamble or take chances.
2: The Ox
People born in the year of the Ox are known for their fortitude, reliability, and hard work. They are dependable and methodical. They are steady but stubborn. Strong respect for organization. Strong tenacity. Uncluttered mind. Traditional. Punctual. Likely self-made and self-reliant. They dislike accepting help. Does not take short cuts. A good Samaritan. They prefer classic decorations in the home. A natural leader and disciplinarian.
Metal Ox- 1901, 1961, 2021
Characteristics: Articulate, intense, reliable, and responsible. They are a “do or die” type. They have an incredible amount of stamina and can become obsessed with success.
Water Ox- 1913, 1973, 2033
Characteristics: Realistic, patient, practical, and ambition. They are good with time management, and putting things to their proper use. They are more flexible than other types of Oxen. They can stay calm under pressure and have incredible determination.
Wood Ox- 1925, 1985, 2045
Characteristics: Less ridged and stubborn than other Oxen, so have better social graces. They have a strong sense of integrity.
Fire Ox- 1937, 1997
Characteristics: Drawn to power and importance, and can be materialistic. They can be quick to purge people and things from their life too hastily. They are honest, but can show a lack of consideration for others. They provide well for their family.
Earth Ox- 1949, 2009
Characteristics: Practical, industrious, loyal, and determined to put the work in to achieve success. Security and stability are important values. Unlikely to complain. Slow and sure.
3: The Tiger
The Tiger personality is powerful, passionate, and rebellious. They can be impulsive and fearless. They are “revered as the sign that wards off the three main dangers to a household: fire, thieves, and ghosts.” They are captivating and love to be the center of attention. They can be restless and reckless, ready for action. They are can both love material goods and be comfortable with a minimal amount of possessions so they’re not weighted down. They like to pamper themselves and may spend a long time with their hair, makeup, and clothing. Can be known to procrastinate. They don’t take criticism well.
Metal Tiger- 1950, 2010
Characteristics: Active, passionate, and possibly aggressive. Competitive and ostentatious. Impatient and overoptimistic. Sometimes drastic in their actions. Independent and have a strong value of freedom.
Water Tiger- 1902, 1962, 2022
Characteristics: Open-minded and can see things objectively. Calmer, more realistic, and better at controlling impulses than other Tigers. Extremely perceptive about others. Highly intuitive and good at communicating.
Wood Tiger- 1914, 1974, 2034
Characteristics: Practical and impartial. Good at bringing people together, cooperation and attracting friends. Talented at negotiation. Skilled with delegating chores and motivating others. Leisure time and hobbies are taken seriously, and will skirt as much responsibility as possible. They don’t have a lot of self-discipline.
Fire Tiger- 1926, 1986, 2046
Characteristics: Enthusiastic, energetic, and thrill seeking. Transient, independent, and unconventional. They can be overly concerned with the present here and now. Unpredictable, dramatic, and influential. Highly optimistic.
Earth Tiger- 1938, 1998
Characteristics: Quieter and more responsible than other Tigers. Practical and realistic. Thoughtful, mature, and sensible. They have a longer attention span than other Tigers. Adventurous but also serious about their work.
4: The Rabbit
Fortunate, gracious, well-mannered, kind, and sensitive. Peaceful and thorough. Considerate and thoughtful. Strong-willed and good with self-control. Very observant. Knows how to live well. Sympathetic. Likes luxury and a comfortable lifestyle. Loves aesthetics. Creates a sanctuary in their home. Their home is one of their prides and joys. They also love entertaining. “A Rabbit’s home will be as picture-perfect as possible when welcoming company because the Rabbit sees the home as a natural extension of their image.” They do not like unannounced drop-ins.
Metal Rabbit- 1951, 2011
Characteristics: Sturdy, but strong headed. Not likely to compromise. Can be preoccupied with their own goals and desires. Indifferent to the opinions of others. They live well and appreciate the finer things in life. They are aesthetically discerning and may become a collector because they have such good taste.
Water Rabbit- 1903, 1963, 2023
Characteristics: Highly empathetic and emotionally sensitive. Does not like hostility. Incredible memory. Indecisive and can be easily influenced by others. Can dwell too much on the past.
Wood Rabbit- 1915, 1975, 2035
Characteristics: Generous and understanding. Sometimes too charitable. Ambitious but easily intimidated. Sympathetic and permissive, so can be taken advantage of. Strong desire to belong to a group and to avoid conflict. It is easy for them to fit in. This rabbit would benefit from being more discriminating, decisive, and self-protective.
Fire Rabbit- 1927, 1987, 2047
Characteristics: Fun loving, expressive, affectionate, and charming. Has the strongest personality of all the Rabbits, but can become temperamental. Good leadership qualities, although they avoid confrontation. Highly intuitive and aware of changes in their environment. Can become sad or angry easily. Needs approval and support
Earth Rabbit- 1939, 1999
Characteristics: Serious and steadfast. Deliberate, balanced, and rational. Introverted and values their own well-being. Humble and willing to acknowledge their weaknesses.
5: The Dragon
Noble and full of vitality and strength. Eccentric and whimsical, but can become demanding and unreasonable. They have lots of admirers. Authoritative and often think others should adhere to the standards they set for themselves. Ambitious and enthusiastic, but can burn themselves out if they’re not careful. Intimidating, confident, and prone to megalomania. “The Chinese call the Dragon the guardian of wealth and power”. They are no-nonsense and not overly sentimental. They appreciate practical, functional clothing, and may even like a uniform. They do not overdecorate and prefers a minimalist home. They want to be able to focus in their home and so do not want to waste time with things that require meticulous maintenance. They are emotionally buoyant and positive.
Metal Dragon- 1940, 2000, 2060
Characteristics: Strong willed, honest, and have a high sense of integrity. Action-oriented, and have little patience for lazy people. Intense, expressive, and critical. Intimidating and successful.
Water Dragon- 1952, 2012
Characteristics: Growth oriented. Less selfish and opinionated than other Dragons. Willing to accept defeat easier than other Dragons. Quick, reliable, and devoted to their ideas. Good negotiators. They can be overly optimistic about trying to hold onto too much. It would benefit this Dragon to learn to make difficult choices so that they can concentrate their energy on their priorities.
Wood Dragon- 1904, 1964, 2024
Characteristics: Creative, good at working with others and implementing ideas. Occasionally condescending, yet tries not to offend others. Natural teachers. Proud and fearless but less self-centered than the other Dragons.
Fire Dragon- 1916, 1976, 2036
Characteristics: Righteous, outgoing, and competitive. Demanding and aggressive. They possess an incredible amount of energy. Ambitious, short-tempered, and unable to tolerate imperfections. Likely to become a performer who loves to catch the eye of the public, once they learn to communicate more humbly.
Earth Dragon- 1928, 1988
Characteristics: Sociable and love to control their environment. More realistic and stable than other dragons. They love to hone their talents. Not selfish, stingy, or petty. Self-controlled and uncluttered. Quiet, strong, and brave. Organized and reflective.
6: The Snake
Deep thinker. Wise. Mystical. Lover of good books, the arts, and the finer things in life. Good manners and loves power. Strong sense of self-trust and intuition. Good with finances. Skeptical, dislikes frivolities. Tenacious and confident. Loves good quality and well designed clothes and accessories. Does not like worthless junk. May become a collector of art or fine furniture. Light quality is important in the home. Strong willpower.
Metal Snake- 1941, 2001, 2061
Characteristics: Huge willpower. Opportunistic. Craves luxury, wealth, and power. Wants to have the best of everything. Secretive, evasive, and confident. Competitive, possessive, and guarded. Do not underestimate this snake.
Water Snake- 1953, 2013
Characteristics: Insightful, charismatic, inquisitive. Business oriented, materialistic, and good at blocking out distractions. Good at planning. Artistic, well-read, and practical. Can hold grudges for too long.
Wood Snake- 1905, 1965, 2025
Characteristics: Seeks emotional and financial stability. Good at self-expression and attracting the things they want into their life. Natural at achieving material success.
Fire Snake- 1917, 1977, 2037
Characteristics: Intense, masterful, self-confident, good leaders. Strong desire for fame, money and power. Can become jealous. Makes their presence known.
Earth Snake- 1929, 1989, 2049
Characteristics: Spontaneous but reliable. Good at communication and bridging gaps. Cool, collected, and charming. Loyal to their friends and frugal with money. Hard working and systematic. They know their limits and are good at not over-extending themselves.
7: The Horse
Cheerful, desirable, witty, but possibly short tempered. Talkative, perceptive, and unpredictable. Good under pressure and instinctual. Independent, adventurous, but responsible. Loves fashion and dresses with confidence. Loves colorful home décor. Competitive, even with themselves. Can be forgetful or jump to conclusions. Intelligent, persuasive, but can be demanding.
Metal Horse- 1930, 1990, 2050
Characteristics: Busy, popular, and engaging. Difficult to keep up with. Productive and stubborn. It’s important for their work to be rewarding. Likes to be challenged.
Water Horse- 1942, 2002, 2062
Characteristics: Cheerful, well-dressed, and good at business. May change their mind with little warning. Possibly self-centered. Amusing and colorful. When in a bad mood can be very inconsiderate of others. Persuasive, but needs to work on patience and long-term planning.
Wood Horse- 1954, 2014
Characteristics: Friendly, cooperative, more patient than other horses. Do not like to be dominated. Happy and active. Not lazy. It would benefit these horses to say “no” to taking on tasks more often.
Fire Horse- 1966, 2026
Characteristics: Adventurous, daring, dramatic, and magnetic. Very smart. Easily distracted and does not like repetitive tasks. Volatile. Likes to be in charge. Competitive with themselves and others. Often wins. Loves thrills.
Earth Horse- 1918, 1978, 2038
Characteristics: Happy and friendly. Makes decisions very slowly and methodically, or may never reach a decision. “Finely attuned to their environment”. Good with serious commitments.
8: The Sheep
“The gentlest sign of the Chinese Zodiac.” Peaceful, sincere and kind. Artistic, fashionable, and creative. At risk of becoming withdrawn and depressed. Does not like strict schedules, discipline, or criticism. Loves kids and animals. Homebody. Not good under pressure. Strong inner determination. Generous with time and money, and others reciprocate. However, they have a tendency to overspend and would benefit from help handling their finances. Loved by many. Lucky. Strong commitment to self-care, and may spend a long time on their appearance. Loves personal hygiene but may have a messy home (even though they may love interior design). Good taste in clothing. Easily distracted and often late. Does not like to hurry. May appear disorganized but everything often ends up working out just fine.
Metal Sheep- 1931, 1991, 2051
Characteristics: Believes in themselves and knows their value. Highly sensitive, but brave exterior. Easily offended. Artistic, and good with interior design. Strong value in harmony and balance in life. Prefers familiar environments. Does not like change. Although they may seem calm, they may have a hard time controlling emotions. It would benefit these sheep to allow people around them more freedom rather than expect people in their life to cater to them.
Water Sheep- 1943, 2003, 2063
Characteristics: Appealing, and may attract people who want to mother them. Popular and possibly opportunistic. Good at traveling the route of least resistance. Often easily swayed by others, while at the same time wanting to get things their way. They fear change and do not like the unknown.
Wood sheep- 1955, 2015
Characteristics: Thoughtful, good-humored, conscientious. Sentimental and like to please others. High morals. At risk of being taken advantage of. Likes to keep the peace- possibly to a fault. Devoted to people and animals they care about. Money always shows up at opportune times.
Fire Sheep- 1907, 1967, 2027
Characteristics: Courageous, intuitive, good at taking initiative. Indulgent, loves entertaining, and values living in a nice home. May overextend themselves financially. Energetic and aggressive.
Earth Sheep- 1919, 1979, 2039
Characteristics: Optimistic. More independent and self-reliant than other Sheep. Good at managing finances. Responsible. Can become defensive when criticized.
9: The Monkey
Innovative, cleaver, versatile, motivating, and charming. Successful, confident, and competitive. Curious. Does not waste time or money. Can have a superiority complex and may have a hard time gaining the trust of others. Fashionable and spends time grooming themselves (especially their hair). May have sensitive skin. Organized and on-time. Their homes show their interests. Some homes are very minimal and some have lots of knickknacks. Most likely has lots of books due to all their curiosities. Good at planning and problem solving.
Metal Monkey- 1920, 1980, 2040
Characteristics: Strong, practical, independent, and values financial security. Consistent and sophisticated. Loves personal growth. Friendly and positive. Trendsetting. Hard-working.
Water Monkey- 1932, 1992
Characteristics: Good at working around barriers. Cooperative. Can become more easily offended than other Monkeys. Persuasive. Can have a lack of direction. Cultivating patience will benefit these Monkeys.
Wood Monkey- 1944, 2004
Characteristics: “Wood Monkeys pride themselves on keeping their house and accounts in good order.” Restless, pioneering spirit. Aware of things going on around them. Always striving to better their life. Resourceful. Do not underestimate.
Fire Monkey- 1956, 2016
Characteristics: Active, energetic, natural leader. Determined. Driven. “The most forceful of all the Monkeys.” Loves being in control.
Earth Monkey- 1908, 1968, 2028
Characteristics: Cool and collected. Loves admiration. Intellectual, studious, and well read. Does not like entertaining, but are kind to others. Values integrity and is the least concerned about their ego than other Monkeys. Can be overly conscientious.
10: The Rooster (Me!)
“Acute, neat, meticulous, organized, decisive, upright, alert, and direct.” Can be too critical and opinionated. “The internet is certainly thankful for the excellent content written by the Rooster.” (I’m using lots of direct quotes in this description because this is my sign). Amazing stamina. Good at handling money. “You would be worse off, you know, if it weren’t for this financial savior and organizational expert.” (The book really says that!!) Good-hearted, well-meaning, and conscientious. Well dressed (loves simple, easy to wear clothing, but LOVES to accessorize). Perfectionistic. Helpful, but prone to giving unsolicited advice. Capable, productive, and dutiful. “They will make order out of chaos.” (Yep! It really says that!). “You cannot find a better personal trainer or coach than one born in the year of the Rooster.” (This is very validating for me.) Rooster’s homes are “put together with great care.” Good sense of humor. Even though they strive for order, they still love to have fun. “The tasks that others find mundane or laborious will be those that the Rooster takes pleasure in”. (Untangling jewelry and sorting coins, I’m looking at you!). Responsible. Do not underestimate.
Metal Rooster- 1921, 1981, 2041 (Me!)
Characteristics: Practical, industrious, optimistic, and passionate towards work. Headstrong and prone to being too opinionated. “They will insist on order in their life and will demand hygienic conditions or even sterile cleanliness in their surroundings.” Inquisitive. Loves to help the advancement of humankind. Good at public speaking.
Water Rooster- 1933, 1993
Characteristics: Intellectual, inspiring, and has lots of energy. Practical and clear thinking. Less critical than other roosters. Persuasive. Talented with writing and speaking. Interested in science, health, medicine, and technology. Prone to getting lost in details.Wood Rooster- 1945, 2005
Characteristics: Honest and strong integrity. “Less stubborn and opinionated than other Roosters.” Likely to overcomplicate things and overexert themselves. It would benefit this Rooster not to expect others to have the same drive they do. Open-minded and friendly.
Fire Rooster- 1957, 2017
Characteristics: Highly motivated, authoritative, and independent. Possesses great precision. Prone to becoming temperamental and overdramatic. Great leadership skills. Diligent and intense.
Earth Rooster- 1909, 1969, 2029
Characteristics: Studious and analytical. Early to mature. Loves data and accuracy. Willing to lead a simple life if their job is rewarding enough. Systematic and good at keeping track of information. Inspires others to work harder.
11: The Dog
“The most likable sign in the Chinese horoscope.” Honest, intelligent, attractive, and animated. Friendly and unpretentious. Good at getting along with others. Protective of others they love. Can be loyal to a fault. When Dog’s get angry, it’s usually justifiable. Does not like to pick fights just for fun. Highly moral and responsible. Likes to support worthy causes. Not materialistic. “The Dog was born with defense shields up.” Dogs can be very forgiving of their friends, but can be cold, critical, and possibly aggressive with people they don’t like. Dogs are trustworthy, warm, and charismatic. They are often introverted and pessimistic although their outward exterior may suggest otherwise. Once they have their mind made up about something, they can be obstinate. “A Dog’s home will most likely be a simple or traditional one. This sign is not typically motivated to impress others with appearances, so everything chosen will be something the Dog truly loves and not simply a passing trend.” They prefer “comfort over flash” and are drawn to soft fabrics. Their homes are informal and friends feel very comfortable spending time at their house. Creating a comfortable and relaxing home is something that makes Dogs most happy.
Metal Dog- 1910, 1970, 2030
Characteristics: Noble, charitable, and likes to work for a worthy cause. Can be ruthless towards their enemies. Loving, gentle, and possible overprotective. Strong mental discipline, likes to take things seriously, and are very loyal. Decisive.
Water Dog- 1922, 1982
Characteristics: Intuitive, attractive, and sympathetic. More easygoing than other Dogs. Can be lenient with themselves and others. Possibly self-indulgent. Good at self-expression. Others really enjoy their company.
Wood Dog- 1934, 1994
Characteristics: “Enchanting, warm-hearted, even-tempered.” Good at creating strong bonds with those they love. Seeks intellectual stimulation and personal growth. Loves beauty in their environment. Successful but not too materialistic. Group-oriented and loves to please, but could benefit from learning to be more independent.
Fire Dog- 1946, 2006
Characteristics: Dramatic, outgoing, attractive, and friendly. Defiant and rebellious when they feel forced to do something they don’t want to do. “This Dog’s bite is just as strong as his or her bark.” Self-assured, magnetic, and persuasive. Courageous and independent. Loves adventure. Strong willpower.
Earth Dog- 1958, 2018
Characteristics: Provides good advice. Has strong values and morals. Quiet and kind. Can be secretive. Practical and not too sentimental. Does not abuse power. Strong sense of self-respect.
12: The Boar
Honest, courageous, strong and sturdy. Good at completing things. Very authentic, trustworthy, and admirable. They seek harmony and have a huge heart. Strong endurance and passion. Lots of patience and an inspiring teacher. Likes spontaneity. Optimistic, but prone to being too trusting and accommodating. Loyal, credible, diligent, and thoughtful. A good friend. Good at organizing and bringing different types of people together. Good listener who can identify with many. Their home will be filled with a wide array of décor and gifts that have been received by the many people who appreciate them. Things can accumulate in their home due to everything they hold dear. “They will make sure they are surrounded by colors that please them.” Unselfish and unassuming. Large friend group.
Metal Boar- 1911, 1971, 2031
Characteristics: Proud and passionate. More dominating than other Boars. Social, extroverted, and affectionate. Ambitious, and does not like to quit. Strong endurance and active. The “Metal Boar will have enough vigor for ten.”
Water Boar- 1923, 1983, 2043
Characteristics: Persevering, perceptive, and resourceful. Believer in miracles. Loves to be around people. Strong faith in their loved ones.
Wood Boar- 1935, 1995
Characteristics: Persuasive, ambitious, and charitable. Good at managing others and promoting worthy causes. Good-hearted helper. Loves to entertain. Friendly and cheerful.
Fire Boar- 1947, 2007
Characteristics: Courageous, intense, powerful. Heroic. Optimistic and trusting in themselves. Successful, despite the odds. Likes to provide for their family.
Earth Boar- 1959, 2019
Characteristics: Peaceful, sensible, and happy. Productive, and responsible finances. Good at planning for the future. Steady and patient. Strong willpower. Can endure more stress and burdens than most people.
If this post interests you, I highly recommend purchasing The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes. This book is a wealth of information. Not only does it describe (in detail) each of the 12 signs, the book discusses how each of the signs get along with each other.
Posted By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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