Harvest Moon Home Organizing

This year the Harvest Moon is full on the morning of September 29th, 2023. The Harvest Moon is significant because it appears especially big and orange or red. It appears full for several days, and brings bright moonlight early in the evening. This gives farmers extra light to help them harvest their summertime crops. Full moons are also about letting go. For this blog post, I wanted to write about how you can harness the power of the Harvest Moon to help you get organized. Keep reading for tips on how to use lunar energy to help you let go and reap the rewards of what you’ve been working on all year.
Do a Full Moon Ritual:
If you really want to amplify your powers for letting go and let yourself receive the wonderful gifts that are coming to you, below is a full moon ritual for you. While you don’t have to do this ritual (and you can do it even when it’s not a full moon), doing something like this will make organizing easier. It will help loosen up any stuck energy you feel about decluttering and achieving your goals.
-Gather materials: a candle/matches, some incense, a pen/pencil, and some paper. You may also want to include your favorite crystals, essential oils, something to make sound such as drums, bells, tuning forks, or whatever else helps you feel sparkly. You’ll also want tools to help you either burn or bury your intentions.
-Get grounded: Sit or stand and feel the energy of the earth come up through your body. Allow this energy to run up through your legs, your torso, out your hands, and up through your head. Then picture a grounding cord that runs from the base of your spine to the center of the earth.
-Illuminate yourself: Allow universal source energy to run down through the top of your head, down your torso, out your hands, down through your legs, and out your feet. Visualize this as a bright white filament, like in a lightbulb, but with the filament running through your whole body. Imagine you are surrounded in a glow of light all around you.
-Charge your powers. Rub your hands together, and then hold your hands over your materials to bless them.
-Light some incense with the intention of clearing the energy to make space for your intentions.
-Write down your intentions of what you want to let go of and what you want to bring in.
-Read your intentions out loud, and light the candle once you’ve said them.
-Let your intentions go. You can burn them (safely) or bury them.
-Smile! Imagine that the universe has already given you everything you want, and feel the gratitude you notice.
Get Organized
-Instead of doing a big spring clean, shoot for seasonal cleans. Even if all you’re able to do this season is a junk drawer, getting into the habit of doing a seasonal clean will help you stay tidier throughout the year. Do a quick purge, sort like with like. Purge again. Find homes for your things. You may need to buy shelves or drawers to help store your stuff. You may also want to put your things in containers on those shelves or within the drawers. Use temporary containers (like bags and cardboard boxes) until you know what size containers you’ll actually need. Label the drawers and containers so you know where things are.
-Make a checklist: write down all the areas you want to declutter and refresh. Remember to work on one task at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed. Map it out on your calendar. Delegate what you can.
-Clean up the outside: pick up toys, gardening tools, drain hoses/insulate (depending on what climate you live in), cover patio furniture or store for the winter. Store out of season things. Rake leaves, sweep your porch, walkways, and patio (if you have one). Button up your garden for the fall. Do you need to cut summer plants down? Amend the soil? Bring warm weather plants inside for the cold season? Do these things now.
-The autumn usually means you’ll be spending more time indoors. Refresh the decor, change your seasonal bedding, and prepare for more inside activities.
-Declutter and organize your food storage. Get rid of old food, and give away anything that you didn’t like (but hasn’t expired yet) to your local food bank or Buy Nothing group.
-Swap your seasonal wardrobe. Edit your clothes as you go. Let go of things that you never wear, don’t fit, or are worn out.
-Rein in the impulse shopping. New seasons often make people think they need to buy more stuff. This leads to a lot of clutter. Buying new things is ok, but ask yourself where it will belong in your home. Do you have the space for it? If not, you may need to either get more storage space or let go of some things. I don’t subscribe to strict organizing rules, but I do loosely like to follow the “one thing in, one thing out” rule. This is a good rule to follow once you’ve achieved a good equilibrium with your belongings. If you have way too much stuff, you won’t want to replace everything you let go of with something new, because that won’t fix your clutter problem.
-Seasonal to-dos and goals for autumn: make a list of the fun things you want to do, and schedule them. What other “adulting” type things do you need to get done by the end of the year? Don’t forget to schedule home maintenance chores (like getting your gutters cleaned) before any damage is caused to your home.
What else do you like to do to get ready for the autumn? Send me a message and let me know!
Posted By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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- For artwork to energize your home, order through jeanprominski.com.