Crystal Grid for Home Organization

Have you been feeling stuck in your decluttering processes, and you want some extra oomph? Make a crystal grid to help balance and harmonize the energy of your space. You can choose crystals to help amplify particular intentions such as bringing in organization, letting go of attachments, grounding, personal power, creativity, abundance, love, spiritual awareness, protection, healing health ailments, confidence, mental clarity, overcoming procrastination, and anything you can imagine! In this post I’ll show you one of my most recent crystal grids and will give you instructions for making your own grid.
First of all, crystal grids come in all shapes and forms. There is no “right” way to build a crystal grid. It’s all about your intentions and following your intuition. If you take a class on crystal grids, look it up on Google, read books about crystal grids, or watch YouTube videos, you’ll find all kinds of good ideas! My advice is to keep it simple and fun. You don’t have to be an expert on crystals to build a crystal grid.
Step 1: Pick your stones
Use a clear quartz point in the middle to amplify the energy. This middle crystal can be something that sits flat and points upwards, or it can sit on it’s side.
I like to make my grids using multiples of 6 stones each. I’ve made crystal grids that just use simple clear quartz points all around the center point, and I’ve made them using lots of other stones as well. I’ve also seen rectangular crystal grids that are more linear (rather than my radial ones), and large grids with crystals that are intentionally placed all over the house.
Choose stones that call to you. You may really love how they feel in your hand, how they look, or you’ve read about their qualities in a book and you want to harness that type of energy in your grid. Let your hands have the final say in what goes in your grid. If they don’t feel right for this application, leave them out of this iteration.
While you can choose stones that are particularly good for decluttering and home organization (jet, black tourmaline, smoky quartz, amethyst, rose quartz, selenite, citrine, clear quartz, and amber are some of my favorites), it’s possible not all these stones will resonate with you. You may have something else that’s getting in the way of your organized home (lack of confidence, depression, anxiety, a health ailment, a creative imbalance, a poverty mindset, etc,) that needs to be supported and remedied so that you can get organized. Build your grid to support this issue so that you are treating the underlying cause of your disorganization.
Step 2: Energetically cleanse your stones
This may be one of the most debated subjects with crystal collectors. Some people like to lay them on an amethyst cluster, bathe them in the moonlight, smudge them with palo santo, or soak them in clean water with a sprinkle of sea salt (not iodized salt!). I’ve also talked to people who put their stones on a plant after they’ve been worked with so they can be reset. I personally like to either use a selenite wand or will use Reiki to cleanse the stones, but I will occasionally use other methods as needed.
Step 3: Pick a space and find a tray or box to set your crystals in
For people who have cats or other animals that like to jump around the house, you may want to consider clearing out a drawer or you putting your grid in a box. I currently have 3 grids running in my home right now. One is sitting on top of a box with intentions written on paper inside the box. Another is sitting on a shelf in a location where it’s needed. My third one is currently sitting under my Djembe drum (which is on a stand). I have been playing the drum over the crystals to help amplify their energy. (Yep! I know I’m kind of unique). You can create your grid on a plate or cake pan temporarily until you know what kind of container (material, size, color, shape, etc) you want to use.
Step 4: Assemble your grid
I like to start with my clear quartz point center stone, and then place the bigger stones first. I like radial grids with 6 points (like a snowflake), but you can really do whatever you want.
Step 5: Charge it up!
Center yourself and get yourself grounded. If you know Reiki, you can use that to help boost it up, but even if you don’t, you can still use your intentions to help get the crystals going. Rub your hands together and hold them over the crystals to set everything in motion. You will probably feel energy tickling the palms of your hands, but even if you don’t, you’re probably still flowing energy. Let the energy flow from the back half of your body (universal energy) rather than the front half of your body (your own personal energy… for you only). Make sure you’re not forcing the energy to move at a rate that’s too fast. Allow for the energy to flow at the rate that is best for both you, the crystals, and whoever will be benefiting by your grid.
Step 6: Let your grid work it’s magic!
Notice how you’re feeling motivated to declutter and organize more often than you were before. Feel how it’s easier to let go of things that were holding you back. Pay attention to how much more confident you feel when making decisions. You might not notice the changes right away, but trust that they are coming. Follow through with your end of the deal by doing the work needed to get you to your goals.
Below is a crystal grid I made recently to assist with a loving heart centered healthy energy for a very dear family member. I used clear quartz, rose quartz, apopholyte, jade, aventurine, malachite, and of course- watermelon tourmaline! It's not specifically for home organization. It's more to help balance the energy in our household.

Here's a quick mock up of the grid.

I then drew the image I wanted on my computer using Adobe Illustrator.

I used my Cricut machine to cut out the pattern I wanted for the grid.

I painted the background to amplify the energy of watermelon tourmaline.

I then placed the cut pattern on top of the painted background and placed it in an appropriately sized dish.

I then placed the crystals in their spots and charged it up!
Posted By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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