Going Easy On Yourself
Being organized and productive is the careful balance of doing versus being. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, constantly striving for productivity and progress. But if you’ve been going too hard for too long, burnout is inevitable. It’s important to catch yourself and recalibrate. In this article, I’ll talk about how to recognize burnout, and how to nurture your well-being so that you can feel centered and organized.
Recognize that everyone has a different capacity for stress. Each of us has a unique threshold for stress and resilience. An event that may derail someone may not even faze someone else. Whether it be the seasons of life, traumatic events, major life changes, health issues for yourself or loved ones, chronically over committing, or just being a highly sensitive person, any of these things can put someone into a state of needing to take it back a notch in other areas of life. Coping with stress is not a linear cycle. What causes some people to feel a lot of motivation may put others down for the count. Some days may be better than others, and that could be unpredictable. Sleep, exercise, nutrition, and hydration play a big part in regulating nervous system, but accessing healthy choices may feel out of range during extra stressful times.
Common Signs of Burnout
Recognizing the signs of burnout and mental health struggles is paramount. Excessive worrying, road rage, increased pain in the body, irritability, difficulty sleeping, or difficulty stringing words together may indicate that it’s time to pause and prioritize self-care. There are plenty of other signs of burnout in addition to the few I listed. If you suspect you’re suffering from burnout, it’s certainly worth looking into.
Hit The Reset Button
First of all, recognize by taking a break, you are actually doing what you need to do to progress with your goals. You’re taking care of yourself. Life is a series of ebbs and flows, marked by seasons of joy, challenge, and change. Whether facing traumatic events, health issues, or chronic overcommitment, it’s essential to acknowledge that progress isn’t always linear. Just like giving your car a break to change the oil, rotate the tires, and check that all systems are functioning properly, your car will last a long time. If you don’t keep yourself tuned up, it will be reflected in the disorganization of your home. When life feels derailed or overwhelming, don’t hesitate to hit the reset button. Changing routines and exploring new experiences is a way to indirectly, but positively, improve the organization of your home.
- Break out of autopilot. Even if it’s something simple like changing your route of your everyday walk or drive, using your non-dominant hand to unlock your door, or listening to a new podcast. Or if you’ve got the resources, go on vacation!
- Play. Reconnect to your heart by doing something silly or something that feels like a guilty pleasure. This might be something as small as blowing soap bubbles, or making some funny noises. Or if you love kids or animals, get them involved with some fun! Whatever you choose, keep it lighthearted so you don’t overwhelm yourself with a large undertaking if you don’t have the capacity for it at the moment.
- Engage your senses. This is a very simple way of nudging your stressed-out-self back into balance. Scent, sight, hearing, feeling, and taste are all easy ways to get your joy back. Diffuse some essential oils or light a candle. Look at a beautiful view (or even just a picture of something you love). Listen to some good music or play an instrument. Touch something that you love the texture of, or use a heating mat/cooling mat to aid your mood. Eat or drink something that you have a positive association with. Combine sensory experiences when you feel inspired for maximum effect.
- Get out into nature. Even if this is just sitting in your backyard or front steps. Or if you live in an apartment and don’t have an outdoor area, go to a nearby park. If the weather is nice, you could even bring a blanket and take a nap. Or if you’re into walking or hiking, go do that!
- Notice your self-talk. Anytime you hear your “you’re not doing enough” voice in your head, interrupt it with a “what if everything works out just fine?” question (or something of the like). The more you can tame that negative inner voice, the better off you’ll be.
- Schedule some downtime. This can be easier said than done, I know. But carving out some time to read (some fun stuff!) or color (in your “Color to Declutter” coloring book, of course!) is a great way to let your brain “cool off”. Or even if you just make some time to lay in the yard in the sun or to tinker around your home, this will do wonders for your nervous system!
- Allow yourself to be pampered. Get a massage, acupuncture, manicure, or whatever else helps you reset. You deserve it! Incorporating these types of things into your routine is essential for replenishing your energy.
- Ask for help. Delegate whatever you can, and ask for help from friends, family, and professionals who can make things easier for you.
- Recalibrate your priorities. Remember, whatever you’re saying “yes” to, you’re saying “no” to something else.
- Pray! I’m not a religious person, but I am very spiritual. For close to 30 years, I have been connected to Jah through reggae music. Jah is my guiding light. As the Israel Vibration lyrics go, “Why worry… when you can pray”. So whoever you like to pray to, whether it be something you define or leave ambiguous, the act of praying can certainly help you release the control that you need to figure it all out on your own.
Remember, there will be times to push yourself, and there will be times to take it easy. It’s not always easy to go easy on yourself. This post actually took me longer to write than most posts, because I’m not naturally someone who takes it easy on myself. But the more compassionate you can be with yourself, you will know when to push and when to let off the gas.
Posted By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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