7 Steps to Bathroom Harmony

The bathroom is a space for releasing, renewing and personal hygiene. It’s where we liberate what we don’t need anymore, and where we can wash away toxins that our body has filtered out. Physically, it’s where we go to discharge our waste. The bathroom is also where we have privacy (sometimes!) to be alone or to do things that we don’t want to be made public record. Mentally, it’s where we can get another perspective as we look in the mirror to see what other people see. It is a place to reflect and to expel thoughts, banish shame and guilt, and process feelings. Emotionally, the bathroom can be a place for self-loathing, but it can also be a place for self-adoration. Spiritually, it’s a place where we go to purify. Creating a bathroom environment that supports these processes is integral to your health. So where to start?
- Declutter! Trash or recycle anything that is either expired, that you don’t like, or you don’t use. Donate anything that you don’t need or want. Some homeless shelters may be able to accept unused toiletries, so check with local organizations. Once you’ve found all of the “low hanging fruit” (items that obviously need to go), start sorting similar items. You can use clear bags or bins for sorting purposes, and then find more attractive storage solutions once you know what to keep.
- Plan the space. What’s your real-estate like? Do you share your bathroom with others or do you have your own? Some bathrooms can accommodate extra toiletries, towels and other necessities, and some barely have a countertop. Although it may sound obvious, always keep at least one extra roll of toilet paper within easy reach before it runs out. After you’ve sorted like items together (from step #1), it will be easy to see what belongs where. In my bathroom, I prioritize space for a basket of clean white washcloths, my electric toothbrush, and my essential oils.
- Storage. Drawer organizers can be a fun way to add personal style to your bathroom while keeping things orderly. If you like to use a variety of hair styling tools and products, consider using a rolling salon cart. An over the toilet storage shelf can be helpful if you need extra storage space. To maximize under the sink storage, use drawers or a unit specifically designed to work around the plumbing.
- Decorate. Use imagery that supports feeling rejuvenated, refreshed, clean, or any other feelings you want to have while you’re in the bathroom. This may mean painting a wall, choosing a shower curtain with a pattern you love, or making a statement by the color of towels you use. Another idea is to utilize similarly sized refillable bottles, which can be a great way to keep things looking streamlined. If your bathroom gets steamy, you may not want to put up too many decorations on the walls or counters, so use your own judgement as to what your bathroom can accommodate.
- Choose products well. Use body products and cosmetics that are non-toxic. Since this is a place where we go to detox, don’t overload your body with overly scented artificial fragrances, or unhealthy ingredients. Beautycounter makes a great lotion that is like no other!
- Clean and maintain. Use a simple non-toxic cleanser to wipe down all surfaces often. It’s an easy way to keep things fresh and sparkly! While I tend to rotate between different cleaners to have some variety, one of my favorites is the Doterra On-Guard with a reusable microfiber cloth.
- Cultivate self-care. Create a process to release and renew. Is this a weekly bath ritual? Or maybe it’s simply lighting a candle or incense as a way to clear out old energy and bring in the new.
Photo Credit: Phil Hearing